Rise of Rome 2 mountain ranges Apennines mountains run down the middle of the country but don’t divide the country like Greece. Alps provide protection in the North. Outlet to the sea, but far enough inland for protection Position in Mediterranean Sea made Rome an important crossroad for trade
Roman Republic Republic, government where the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote Rome conquers all of Italy in 267 BCE. They distrusted kings Areas remained free to run their local affairs, but had to send troops to Rome Roman Senate- 300 people who served for life
Battle with Carthage 264 BCE the two powers go to war over control of the Sea. Punic Wars Rome pushes Carthage off of Sicily Hannibal, greatest Carthage general invades Rome from the North Rome sends an army to Carthage and destroys the city while Hannibal is in Rome Result- Rome controls the Mediterranean Sea
Collapse of the Republic Civil War begins between generals with loyal armies 3 men arise: Crassius- control of Syria and was a wealthy business man from Rome Pompey- controls Spain and was a general Julius Caesar- controls France and was general Julius Caesar wins the civil war and is made dictator. He is assassinated by Brutus shortly after
Life after Julius Caesar New group of leaders Octavian- Caesar's heir and nephew. Becomes Augustus, which means revered one. Antony- Caesar’s ally and assistant Lepidus- Commander of Caesar’s cavalry Augustus wins by killing Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt.
Pax Romana Period Means “Roman Peace” Lasted for 100 years Lessoned the power of the Senate Greatest height of the empire Covered 3.5 million square miles Population of 50 million Latin was the language of the West and Greek was the language of the East.
Other Important Emperors Diocletian Last emperor to persecute the Christians Constantine Became first Christian emperor Issued the Edict of Milan, proclaimed official tolerance to Christianity. Christianity doesn’t call for revolution Theodosius the Great Adopted Christianity as the official religion
Roman Culture Sculptors were realistic with unpleasant features First to use concrete Built aqueducts to supply water to the population Toga was the appropriate dress Color of toga showed manhood Livy wrote History of Rome
N Slavery was a large part of economy. Large slave revolt lead by Spartacus. Cities were very overcrowded, and fire was very dangerous 3 types of entertainment: Circus Maximus- horse and chariot races Dramatic performances Gladiator shows
Fall of Rome Plague, inflation and political upheavals led to weakness. Constantine construction a new capital in the east for defense Byzantium becomes the capital of the East and Rome is the capital of the West. Later is called Constantinople and today called Istanbul. 410 the Visigoths sack Rome 476 Romulus Augustus was defeated by a Germanic army, which marks the fall of the Western Roman Empire East continues to flourish