Philippe d’Harcourt Alexander Bonnet Marin Messy.


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Presentation transcript:

Philippe d’Harcourt Alexander Bonnet Marin Messy

Introduction  Jason was an ancient Greek mythological hero who was famous for his role as the leader of the Argonauts, a group of heroes who helped Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece. He was the son of the rightful king of Lolcos, Aeson and was also married to the sorceress Medea.

The Legend  Jason, the rightful heir to the throne, returns in Thessaly after twenty years of exile.  The impostor Pelias, slaughterer of Jason’s family, tells him that he must retrieve the Golden Fleece if he wishes to be King,  Jason then assembles a group of heroes : the Argonauts.  They leave Lolcos to start their quest for the Golden Fleece.

The Journey  During their trip, the Argonauts travel to numerous islands and land.

Colchis Jason arrived in Colchis to claim the Fleece

Jason in modern literature The story of Jason and his Argonauts has inspired a lot writers and movie directors. Among the ancient Greek works are Pindar's Pythian Ode, Apollonius Rhodius's epic Argonautica, and Euripedes' play Medea. The Roman poet, Ovid, mentioned the Argonauts in the Metamorphoses. In the Middle Ages, Chaucer retold the story in the Legend of Good Women, In the 1800s, William Morris wrote a long narative poem Life and Death of Jason. Robert Graves's novel Heracles, My Shipmate was published in There are also some movies such as: Jason and the Argonauts, a 1963 film directed by Don Chaffey Jason and the Argonauts, a 2000/2001 TV miniseries And the recent Movie "Argo" who has many references to the legend

Conclusion  To conclude, Jason and the Argonauts is a verb renown tale of Greek mythology and many different adaptations of it can prove it…