Assignment#01: Literature Survey on Sensors and Actuators ECE5320 Mechatronics Assignment#01: Literature Survey on Sensors and Actuators Topic: Water Pump Prepared by: Levi Rock Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University E: ; T: (435)797-; F: (435) (ECE Dept.) W: 3/11/2010
03/10/10 ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators Slide-2 Outline –Reference list –To probe further –Major applications –Basic working principle illustrated –A typical sample configuration in application (application notes) –Limitations and Specifications –Cost, Choice and Manufactures
03/10/10 ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators Slide-3 Reference list bution.htmlhttp:// bution.html 03.htmlhttp:// 03.html tmhttp:// tm
03/10/10 ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators Slide-4 To explore further (survival pointers of web references etc) Google search for: –Rotary pump –Centrifugal pump –Scroll pump –water pumps
03/11/10 ECE5320 Mechatronics. Assignment#1 Survey on sensors and actuators Slide-5 Major applications Irrigation Water Supply Gasoline Supply Air Conditioning systems Refrigeration Chemical Movement Sewage Flood Control Marine services
Basic Working Principle There are several types of pumps to be used to move liquid or gases from one location to another. In order to understand the pumps we have to understand some of the physics and laws behind why they are needed. Basic Principles for Water Wells –Water has to travel tens if not hundreds of feet to come out of the ground –The atmospheric pressure is keeping the water in the hole and at the bottom
Basic Working Principle Overcoming atmospheric pressure –When drinking water people sometimes use a tool called a straw. The principle of the straw helps explain the usefulness of the pump with water wells. –When the person starts sucking on the straw the water comes up. This is not because the person is pulling the water up with air but because the atmosphere is pushing down on the surface of the water around the straw.
Basic Working Principles –The longer the straw the harder the person has to suck. This is because it requires more suction to lesson the pressure inside the straw. –The same principle is used with pumps to get water out of wells. In order to get the water out of the well the pressure inside the pipes needs to be less than the atmospheric pressure.
Basic Working Principles Moving the handle on the hand pump causes the pressure to decrease inside the pipes and brings the water up and out to be used.
Basic Working Principles Centrifugal pump –The centrifugal pump uses the same concept as a fan blowing air. It has an impeller inside that relieves the pressure on the system. The pressure is sometimes called the head of the system. –The size and shape of the impeller determines the efficiency for the application. The pump needs to be matched with the B.E.P. (Best Efficiency Point) in order to achieve the maximum liquid being pumps out. –Works well for low viscosity fluids
Basic Working Principles Rotary Pump –Handles high viscous fluids –Takes the liquid in the open area and forces it out of the opposite hole –Rotary pump uses a constant pressure to keep the liquid flowing
Basic Working Principles Scroll pump –Has two scrolls, one being fixed and the other rotating that causes the water to rotate –Usually a higher efficient pump
media/58/ E8.gif&imgrefurl= art/632655/7035/Volute-centrifugal-pump&usg=__IMcXLxMuAG- z3HmeQK7_JexcUnA=&h=300&w=292&sz=14&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=RoRgPz zmXH9HIM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcentrifugal%2Bpump%26um%3D 1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1 Typical Configurations Centrifugal Pump –Typically the centrifugal pump will pump the liquid to the top of the storage unit and let it fall into the container
Typical Configurations Rotary Pump –Typically the rotary pump will be connected to the bottom of a container and fill it from the bottom up /rotaryengines/murdoch1a.jpg
Typical Configurations Scroll Pump –Scroll pumps are typically found in Air Conditioning systems, vacuum pumps and superchargers for automobiles crollInside.jpg
Limitations and Specifications Centrifugal Pumps –Needs to have the right impeller for the right load or it won’t be efficient –Can only pump low viscous liquids such as water –Has to be primed before it can start pumping –Over time the wear can cause leaks around the impeller because of corrosion –The maximum pressure or head of the centrifugal pump is determined by the size and shape of the impeller
Limitations and Specifications Rotary pumps –High Viscous liquid –Medium pressure limitations –Usually requires moderate speeds –If fluid is low viscous it will slip –Will work against back pressure –Pulse free flow of the liquid
Limitations and Specifications Scroll pumps –Very limited by what it can pump –Used mainly for refrigeration and air conditioning –Takes about 2 to 2 1/2 rotations of the crankshaft for one rotation of the scroll –Fewer moving parts so it is more reliable and lasts longer –Very compact and small in size –Quiet and smooth in operation
Cost, Choice & Manufactures Cost –The cost of each type of pump depends largely on its size and capacity. The centrifugal pump will be the cheapest because of its design. The rotary is the mid class because it has more design to it. The cost of the scroll pump will be much higher because it is designed for a specific application. Manufacture –Each of these pumps have numerous manufactures to choose from. Each manufacture has features that they add to the pump to make it a nicer choice
Cost, Choice & Manufactures Choice –Choosing the right pump depends entirely on the application that it will be used for. Some of the important factors to help determine which pump is right are: Viscosity of the fluid - Will the fluid be high viscosity or low viscosity? The head or pressure of the liquid