1 Crate System Space Per Gestating Sow: gestating sows always kept in gestation crates (14 square feet per sow). Space Per Nursing Sow: nursing sows always kept in farrowing crates (14 square feet per sow) Space Per Growing Pig: 8 square feet of barn space per growing pig Nesting Provisions: privacy but no straw Baby Pig Survival Rate: 90% survival rate of baby pigs Use of Optional Surgeries: optional surgeries performed before 7 days of age Free-Range Opportunities: none Sow Group Size: 1 sow per pen Provision of Straw: no straw (floors are concrete, wood, or steel) Type of Feed: non-organic grain with antibiotics and growth hormones added
2 Pen System Same as crate system, except that … Space Per Gestating Sow: instead of being housed in gestation crates with 14 square feet of space per sow, they are housed in group pens with 24 square feet of space per sow Sow Group Size: 5 sows per pen Gestation Crate Group Pen
3 Open Barn System Space Per Gestating Sow: 90 square feet of barn space per sow Space Per Nursing Sow: 90 square feet of barn space per sow Space Per Growing Pig: 32 square feet of barn space per growing pig Nesting Provisions: privacy with straw Baby Pig Survival Rate: 80% survival rate of baby pigs Use of Optional Surgeries: no optional surgeries Free-Range Opportunities: access to outside, with shelter, but no pasture Sow Group Size: 20 sows per pen Provision of Straw: 12 inches of dry straw provided at all times Type of Feed: non-organic grain without antibiotics and growth hormones added
4 Pasture System Same as Open Barn System, except that … Baby Pig Survival Rate: 70% survival rate of baby pigs Free-Range Opportunities: access to outside, with shelter, and with pasture
5 Organic System same as pasture system except… hog feed is organic feed with no antibiotics or growth hormones.