SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Tips for a Successful and Memorable Event Have Fun Be Flexible Be Prepared – Know the Activities Keep Your Activity On Time
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Mars Activity Kits Includes Materials For 100 Students Includes Instructions for Activities Includes Teaching Tips For Great Results
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Materials: Pencil Tape Scissors Straw Template Blue, White & Red Balloon
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Concept: Propulsion and Targeting Procedure: Cut out 3 rocket pieces Have student put their name one of the rocket fins Construct the rocket using a pencil Students launch the rockets using a soda straw Show video of Curiosity rocket launch
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Teaching Tips Have extra rocket pieces cut out in advance in case students make mistakes while cutting Have trash cans handy for cuttings and cleanup Construct the entire rocket on the pencil Make sure they construct the tube around the pencil down the length of the pencil. Don’t hand out straws until all are finished
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Teaching Tips Always have a target Use scale size activity for targets Use Earth, Moon, Mars balloons Earth (blue) = ~ 8 inches Mars (red) = ~ 4 inches Moon (white) = ~ 2 inches
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Teaching Tips Have students work in teams of 2 to construct their rockets Remind students no early launches – have the students that finish early draw some designs on their rocket Have all students line up for launch
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Soda Straw Rockets Teaching Tips Always have a target for the students to aim their rockets Do an audible launch count-down for the launch Conduct at least 2 launches so students can adjust their trajectory
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Materials: 2 Packages of Red Construction Paper Rover Races Job Cards Driver and Judge Activity Sheets Pencils for Driver and Judge
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Concept : Driving a Rover on Mars and Calibration Procedure: Brainstorm on how you would drive a rover on Mars from Earth Create a rover course using red construction paper Walk the course and record your moves on the rover driver sheet
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Procedure: Have the students volunteer for the rover jobs Hand out the rover job cards to the next set of volunteers so they can observe the tasks Make a first drive (walk) through the course Debrief with the group about the first drive
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Procedure: Proceed with the second drive Debrief about any changes the students observed Show the “Free Spirit” video from the Mars DVD if time
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Teaching Tips: Choose a person that is a different size than the SHPE volunteer that recorded the rover commands while waking through the course to help insure that calibration will be needed
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Rover Races Teaching Tips: Establish ground rules... NO yelling at the rover NO hitting the rover Have the students discuss at the end of the 2 nd drive to discuss whether getting through the terrain faster is better or obtaining more science is better
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Mystery Planet Concept: Sample Return Procedure: Break the students into teams Distribute the activity materials Have the teams start to sort their materials based on what they think is interesting
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Mystery Planet Materials: Package of Planetary Materials Graph Paper Tweezers and Craft Stick Magnifying Glass Pencil Discovery Cards
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Mystery Planet Teaching Tips: Make sure that there all students are engaged in their group Encourage discussion within the groups about the materials Different age levels will have their own interpretations that reflect their level of understanding
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Mystery Planet Teaching Tips: During the debrief time, have two categories in which to put their findings – Direct Evidence and Indirect Evidence (what is in the bag of materials and what the materials might mean in a bigger sense
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Activity: Mystery Planet Teaching Tips: To reset for the next group, have the Students reset the tools and materials For final cleanup, please have one team member hold the planetary materials bag open and another person take the graph paper and funnel the materials into the bag.
SHPE Foundation Noche de Ciencias Hands-On Activity Training NASA Mars Public Engagement Program / ASU Mars Education Program Final Thoughts: Have Fun! Keep track of time to keep your group on time for the rotations Encourage the students to ask questions and explore further ( Kit maintenance – Maintain your kit to use activities for future events!