Designed by Pam Oberembt Language Arts Instructional Coach Story Mapping Designed by Pam Oberembt Language Arts Instructional Coach
What Is a Map? What is a map? What do we use a map for? How does a map help us?
What Is a Story Map? If a map helps us because it shows us where to go or helps us understand where things are located, how might a story map help us? Pair Share.
How to Create a Story Map A story map is somewhat like a comic strip. It has both words and pictures.
A Story Map Tells the Story The pictures and sentences together retell the story that you have read.
My Example The Three Little Pigs
Setting The big world
Characters Three Little Pigs Big, Bad Wolf
The Story Once upon a time, three little pigs set off on their own in the big world.
Continued They each built their own home. One built his home of straw, one of sticks, and the third of brick.
Then… Along came a big, bad wolf. He said, “Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in.” “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin,” replied the first little pig. So, he blew his straw house down and the little pig ran to the stick house.
Then… The big, bad wolf went to the stick house. Again, he asked to be let in and again the little pigs said “Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.” So, he blew the stick house down and the little pigs ran to the brick house.
Finally… The big, bad wolf showed up at the brick house and tried to blow it down, but he couldn’t.
So… The big, bad wolf went to the roof to crawl down the chimney. He thought he’d get into the house and then eat the little pigs.
But, in conclusion… The big, bad wolf jumped down the chimney into a boiling pot of water and was never heard from again.
Your Story Map You are going to create a story map for the story “Elena.” You will have ten picture boxes total. One box will have a drawing of the setting of the story and the word setting. Another box will list the characters in the story and will have the word characters in the box. Eight boxes will have pictures and sentences that retell the story of “Elena.”