2 LIVESTOCK POPULATION U. P. has: 10.02% of Cattle of the country, 23.40% of buffalos, 2.34% of sheep, 10.41% of goats, 16.89% of pigs & 2.40% of poultry U.P. Stand first in Buffalo population and second in cattle population in the Country. (as per 2003 Census) (fig in lac) LIVESTOCKU. P.INDIA Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat Pig Poultry
3 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY COPMARATIVE PRODUCTION STATUS ProductProduction StatusGrowth Rate % U. P.NationalHighest producing State U. P. Milk (Lac MT) UTTAR PRADESH Eggs (Lac Nos) ANDHRA PRADESH Wool (Lac Kg) RAJASTHAN Meat (000 Tons) WEST BENGAL
4 4 PRODUCTIVITY STATUS Animal Species Productivity U. P.NationalHighest Productivity State U. P. Cow Ind. (Kg/animal/ day) HARYANA Cow (C.B.) (Kg/animal/ day) PUNJAB Buffalo (Kg/animal/ day) PUNJAB Goat (Kg/animal/ day) HARIYANA
5 STATUS OF DAIRYING NATIONAL & STATE SCENARIO (IN LAC KGS/ DAY) Parameter/ HeadU.P.National Milk Production Rural Milk Consumption Marketable Surplus Surplus Handled By Un Organised Organised Source-National Dairy Plan Data(NDDB)
6 STATUS OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ACHIEVEMENTS & GROWTH RATE (PRODUCTION) IN , 07-08, & TARGET 11 TH PLAN Product (10 th Plan) TARGET (11 th Plan) Tgt.Ach.Tgt.Ach.Growth Rate Tgt.Ach.Growth Rate % Tgt. Total Milk Production (L.M.T.) % Total Egg Production (Crore nos.) % Total Wool Production (Lakh kgs) % Total Meat Production (Lakh kgs) %
7 S. No Particulars Core ParametersAch.Tgt.Ach.Tgt.Ach.Tgt. 1Functional VDC Membership (Lac) Liquid Milk Sales (LLPD) Milk Procurement (LKgPD) PERFORMANCE VIS A VIS CORE PARAMETERS & PROPOSED TARGETS FOR THE BALANCE PLAN PERIOD (DAIRY DEVELOPMENT)
8 CRITICAL GAPS : ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & DAIRY DEVELOPMENT Low Productivity of Live Stock & Lack of sufficient Breeding Coverage-only 27 lac A. I. from all sources including Department, BAIF, PCDF and Paravets as against 170 lac breedable population. Inadequate Availability of green fodder - deficit of lac tons of green fodder. Inadequate Poultry Production: Due to low level of poultry production there is a big gap between production and requirement of poultry products in the State. Un-organized & Scattered Milk Production & Lack of Commercial Dairy Farming. Lack of Cool Chain & Logistics. Insufficient Processing & Marketing Infrastructure.
10 11 TH FIVE YEAR PLAN THRUST AREAS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY To cover 170 lac breedable population requirement of good quality semen straws lac. To fulfill the green fodder requirement total 0.56 lac quintals of different green fodder seeds for kharif, 0.80 lac quintals for rabi and 1.20 lac quintals for jayad season.
11 11 TH FIVE YEAR PLAN TARGETED GROWTH RATE & THRUST AREAS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE DAIRY DEVELOPMENT Coverage of revenue villages by Milk Cooperatives & Private Sector to be increased from 15% to 50%. Increase in membership of Milk Cooperative Society to %. Transparency and objectivity in milk procurement, quality and pricing of milk to be ensured by way of establishment of Automatic Milk Collection Units at Society level and Bulk Milk Coolers at appropriate level. Improvement in cool chain and logistics to reduce losses and handling cost. Emphasis on Value Added milk product.
12 STRATEGIES : ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 60 lac semen straw from our own resources and procurement of 365 lac from other sources like NDDB, Hessarghatta, etc. Breeding coverage shall be increased through our own resources, BAIF (establishing 800 centres from existing 405 centres), India Gen and other NGO's quintals of fodder seed from our own resources and rest from GOI and Private sector. Intensive animal health services and technical inputs programme.
13 STRATEGIES : DAIRY SECTOR Bridging up of the Existing Critical Gaps. ( % age Coverage to go up from approx. 15 % tot50 % of the total Revenue Villages) Intervention of IT & E-Governance in a Comprehensive Manner. Private Participation to be Encouraged wherein Coop. Efforts are non existent. Application of New & Modern Techniques in all Activity Spheres. (Automation & Up-gradation of Dairy Plants/ Chilling Centers/ Cattle Feed Units & QC Labs). Automation of milk procurement operations to improve transparency and objectivity. Revitalization & refurbishing of Cooperative Dairy Sector at all levels and of all activities.
14 NEW INITIATIVES ANIMAL HUSBANDRY SECTOR Strengthening of two DFS Centres with incorporation of 30 more bulls. Fodder seed production programme on State Livestock Farms - to increase from 2200 quintals to quintals. Emphasis on Technical Input Services & Capacity Building through DASP. DAIRY SECTOR Automation of Milk Procurement to ensure transparent & objectivity in milk pricing & payment (35,014 Village level Societies to be provided with AMCU’s) Establishment of Cool Chain & Logistics. Aggressive Marketing with Brand Promotion & New Product Launches. Computer Net Working of All the Dairy Units. Emphasis on Technical Input Services & Capacity Building of all the Participants (Farmers/ Employees ) Intensive Animal Induction of High Quality Breed under (Saghan Mini Dairy Program) under Special Assistance from RKVY.
15 S. No. ParticularsPhysical Target (No.) Unit Cost (Rs. In Lacs) Requirement of Funds (Rs. in Crore) 1Organization of new VDCs’ Revival of VDCs’ Installation of AMCUs’ Installation of BMCs’ Automation and upgradation of Chilling Centre/Dairy Plant & QC Labs 39(DP/CC) & 43 QC Labs Milk Parlours Milk Booths Total PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR THE REMAINING PERIOD OF 11 TH FIVE YEAR PLAN DAIRY SECTOR A total of Rs. 57 Crores to be met by State/Distt Sector Plans and the balance Rs is to be funded under RKVY/IDDP/CMP programme from Govt. of India
16 PROPOSED ACTION PLAN FOR THE REMAINING PERIOD OF 11 TH FIVE YEAR PLAN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY S. No. ParticularsPhysical Target (No.) Unit CostRequirement of Funds (Rs. In Crore) 1Semen straws365 lacRs / straw Green fodder seeds a.Kharif0.56 lac quintals b.Rabi0.80 lac quintals c.Jayad1.20 lac quintals Sub-Total92.69 Total A total of Rs crore from RKVY and Rs crore from Govt. of India
17 ASSISTANCE NEEDED : ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 2.00 lac fodder seed mini-kit each for rabi (3750 quintals) and kharif (6500 quintals) is needed from Govt. of India. Extra assistance for fodder seeds – 0.56 lac quintals kharif fodder seed, 0.80 lac quintals rabi fodder seed and 1.20 lac quintals jayad fodder seeds. Assistance for procurement of 365 lac good quality semen straws.
18 Thank you