Cradle to Career (P20) Framework Update to the Leaders Roundtable March 30, 2010 Marc Levy Maxine Thompson 1
Cradle to Career (P20)Partnership Framework Purpose A partnership that brings together educators and community leaders at all levels to weave together systems and strategies to maximize student potential from cradle to career. Vision Successful students who become productive citizens contributing to thriving communities. Mission Every student has the opportunity to maximize her/his potential from cradle to career. 2
P20 guiding goals: Every student will Be PREPARED for school Be SUPPORTED inside and outside school SUCCEED academically ENROLL in some form of post secondary education or training GRADUATE and enter a career 3
Indicating Success 4
EffectiveEvidenceEfficient Similar organizations collecting quality data for the same outcomes in a coordinated and collaborative network Similar organizations collecting quality data that align under similar outcomes for broad community impact Similar organizations collecting quality data, but uncoordinated and isolated Alignment Accountability Context *This document is meant to be a conceptualization of the context of academic and social programming which impact student success Synergy 5 5 5
Implementation and Development Sites Arizona State University Mesa, Arizona California State University – East Bay Hayward, California University of Houston Houston, Texas Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia M C E E P P C University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico M E Portland State University Portland, Oregon California State University – Fresno Fresno, California P Strive - University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee Implementation Site (EPIN) Development Site (EPDN) 6
Mileposts... Aug-Oct PSU/LRT collaborate on proposal to Living Cities to develop P20 Partnership Framework based on STRIVE July 2009 LRT met in retreat with STRIVE CEO Jeff Edmondson, LRT decides to pursue P20 partnership framework development Sept LRT adopted Straw Dog proposal to pursue P20 partnership framework, P20 Steering Committee appointed Sept.-Oct contract signed with Living Cities, additional financial commitments from PSU, United Way, LRT 7
What we said (from Straw Dog) The work of the LRT for the coming year (January 1, 2010‐Dec. 31, 2010), oversee the development & implementation of a P‐20 framework & infrastructure for Multnomah County. Portland State University (PSU) becomes the home base for the P20 initiative utilizing the LRT as a governing board to insure that the initiative is owned by the broader community represented by the LRT. For the coming year the LRT will act as a leaders council/governing body for a Multnomah County P‐20 framework. 8 March 30, 2010
What we said (from Straw Dog) Proposed use of LRT meetings (what we said): Sept. 22 Straw dog proposal discussion/agreement (Done) Nov. 24 comprehensive data overview including community conditions (Partially done) Jan. 26 Community Engagement discussion (Not done, doing today) March 30 our Student Roadmap to Success (move to May) May 25 Governance (move to retreat) July 16 retreat, proposed strategic plan, check in on progress 9
P 20 Steering Committee a working committee consisting of Leaders Roundtable members or their designees, responsible for reviewing the work of the P20 framework development, making informed recommendations & providing feedback, status & results to the Leaders Roundtable, develop & recommend the agendas for Leaders Roundtable meetings 10
P 20 Steering Committee Anita Decker Randy Hitz Kali Ladd (representing Sam Adams) Marc Levy (Committee Chair) Andrew McGough Robert McKean Lolenzo Poe (representing Carole Smith) John “Ski” Sygielski Ken Thrasher Gary Withers (Multnomah County pending) 11 March 30, 2010
Since our last meeting… Awaiting word from the Living Cities Foundation regarding next round funding and should hear something by the end of April University faculty are being engaged in more significant ways with a faculty event on school partnerships scheduled for April 9 th Working with ODE on data access PSU data team to begin work on mockup of the first year’s “report card” – Indicators to be added as they are selected by the Goals community Indicator design process ready to launch Targeting community report card late summer-early fall 12
What stage are we at? 13
Next steps Prepare application for Living Cities/Knowledge Works funding Continue to build a data framework of key indicators for consideration by Goals communities Create a process for community partners to discuss indicators and goals Begin design of community engagement process (pending resource availability) Begin development of the baseline “report card” Address governance 14
Community Corporate Post-secondary Media Civic Faith Nonprofit K-12 Parents/Family Early Childhood Philanthropic Students Questions? 15