By: Kayla, Karisa, Justen, and Mathew
Introduction Modern Humans are fascinating people from a past time. They learned how to make fire, clothes, tools, and homes. They would have ceremonies and they would paint. Some people never think of our past as important, but it is very interesting.
Appearance Modern humans looked like regular people, except they were very hairy. They had exaggerated eyebrows and were bonier than we. They did not wear a lot of clothes. The average weight for a man was 144 pounds and the height was 5 feet 9 inches. Women were 119 pounds and were 5 feet 3 inches. (1)
WHEN AND WHERE THEY LIVED Modern humans lived 20,000 B.C to 10,000 B.C. Modern humans lived in Asia and Europe, modern humans in Asia and Europe looked the same. They lived before the Ice Age ended and also after. After the Ice Age, earth’s climate became warmer. (2)
Homes Modern humans lived in tents-like structures and huts made out of cow hide, mud, straw, and bones. Men built all of the homes and later, farms. Men also used bricks for later structures, and these bricks were made from mud and straw. Roofs were made with mud and straw. The base of the hut was made with stones and straw. They used woven mats made out of animal guts for the floor. (3)
Modern humans ate food from their farms. They herded sheep. They ate wheat, and barley. They grew olives and corn, and they raised cows and drank their milk. Before modern humans began growing their own food, the woman collected berries, and nuts. (4)
Hunting Modern humans hunted woolly mammoths, bears, and deer. Occasionally, they hunted sheep. Modern Humans thought hunting was very important because that was one of their only activities to do, but eventually, they began raising their own animals for food, so hunting became less important. (5)
A Day in the Life
Tools Tools were very important to Modern Humans. They made all tools by hand. They made axes with sharp rocks and wood and a piece of cow hide to hold it together. (7)
Fire Modern Humans could use fire. They made it with flint and tinder (rock and sticks) by rubbing the two together to make a spark. Fire was used for light, heat, cooking, and more. (8)
Ceremonies Modern Humans celebrated many different occasions. When someone died, Modern Humans made jewelry. They sang and danced to mourn over the dead. After they buried the dead, they would paint on cave walls in memory of them. (9)
Language Modern humans communicated in a way of writing, but not writing letters. They communicated on the walls of caves. They also had a spoken language. (10)
Clothing Modern humans used animal guts and fur as clothing for both boys and girls. They also used grass because it was strong and thick and better suited than fur to warmer weather. Additionally, they had sharp arrowheads to poke holes and bone needles to thread clothes together. They did not wear many clothes, though. (11)
Cave Paintings Modern Humans were early artists and painted scenes on caves. They painted on rocks, roofs, and cave walls. They also made sculptures using bones and clay. To make paint they crushed colored rocks, and chalk to make white paint. (12)
Interesting Facts Did you know that Modern Humans made all their tools by hand. They used cave paintings to mourn over people. Modern Humans had language early on. Modern Humans are related to us because we are both Homo Sapiens.
Questions 1.What is one tool Modern Humans used, and how did they make it? 2.Where did Modern Humans live? Name two places. 3.How did Modern Humans make fire?
Answers 1. One example of tools is axes with stone and leather. 2. Europe and Asia are two places they lived. 3. Sticks and stones were used to create fire.
Conclusion Modern Humans were very like we are today. They used language and had ceremonies just like us. Modern Humans struggled to live. They lived to hunt and were excellent at it, and eventually, they became farmers. They ate regular food and were shorter than we are.
Endnotes [1] California Vistas Ancient Civilizations, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, NY, 2007, p. 84. [2] Facchini, Fiorenzo, “A Day with Homo Sapiens,” Twenty-First Century Books, Connecticut, 2003, pp [3] Ibid. [4] MacMillan McGraw-Hill, p. 95. “Homo Sapien Sapiens.” Homo Sapien Sapiens. [4]Ibid. [5]Ibid. [6] MacMillan McGraw-Hill, p. 95. [7] Ibid. [8] Kearns, Marsha, “Homo Habilis,” Early Humans, Creative Teaching Press, CA, 1993, pp. 8 – 10. [9] Ibid. [10]Ibid. [11] MacMillan McGraw-Hill, p. 91. [12] Ibid, p.126.
Bibliography California Visits Ancient Civilizations. Macmillan/MacGraw Hill: New York, NY, “Homo Sapien Sapiens.” Homo Sapiens. Kearns, Marsha.“Homo Sapiens.” Early Humans. Creative Teaching Press: CA, “Otzi the Iceman.” Early Human Class Presentation by Lonnie Johnson on October 28, 2010.