IIT Ropar: An Exciting Journey of Five Years
Some Highlights of IIT Ropar 2 Faculty and Students Research Excellence Research with utilitarian value for masses Placement of Students Governance
Student Intake UG students: 467 Ph. D students: 90+ Faculty to student ratio B. Tech. 1 : 7.4 Ph. D. 1 :
Faculty Strength Present faculty strength is
Research Excellence 5
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals (Scopus) A total of 377 publications in peer-reviewed journals (August 2014, Scopus). 6 No. of Patents: Granted : 02 Filed: 10
World Ranking Institution No. of publication in Engineering or in EE Total number of citations H- Index Average no. of citations/ paper 1Cal Tech, USA Stanford (EE and Electronics), USA MIT (EE), USA University of Cambridge,UK Tokyo University(EE) Japan National University of Singapore ((EE) IIT Kanpur IIT Kharagpur IIT Delhi IISc. Bangalore IIT Bombay Times Ranking of Institutions based on Citation data
The institute publications have received highest citations amongst the 8 new IITs. S. No. InstitutionNo. of PapersCitationsAverage Citations h - Index 1 IIT Ropar IIT Patna IIT Bhubaneswar IIT Indore IIT Hyderabad IIT Gandhinagar IIT Mandi IIT Jodhpur Highest Citations Amongst the New IITs (Scopus, 2014)
Dr. Himanshu Tyagi, SMMEE, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 2013, Background images from: Dr. Harpreet Singh, SMMEE, Advanced Engineering Materials, 16, 2013, Cover pages of Journals where IITRPR publications appear
Waste to Energy and increased Agriculture productivity (Decentralized Power Grid) 12 Research with Utilitarian value for Masses
Technology to Convert Agriculture Waste into Energy 13
The goal is to make people aware of alternatives to burning with the application of our technology that can add value to their lives This particular project aims at rural households to provide them electricity using their own agricultural wastes Video Link of Bio-Harvest:- Research Initiatives: Bio-energy Research Technology to Convert Agriculture Waste into Energy IIT Ropar in collaboration with Aston University, European Bioenergy Research Institute, and The Oglesby Charitable Trust has developed a technology for converting agricultural waste into energy 14
Wheat /Rice Straw PelletiserStraw Pellets Pyroformer Condenser Non condensable gas Bio-oil Engine Bio-char Combustion Unit CHP Heat Generation of Bio-oil and Bio-char from Wheat/Rice Straw 15
Bio-char as Nutrient to Improve Farm Productivity 16
Placement of Students 17
Placements 2014 ( batch) Placements 2013 ( batch)Placements 2012 ( batch) Average Salary (Lacs) Year %Placed Placement of B. Tech. Students
Major Achievements of Undergraduate Students 20 Hindustan Times, Saturday, 1 December 2012 Mr. Abhisaar Sharma Mr Abhishek Kumar Arora
Initiatives in Multidisciplinary Research 20 Bio-Medical Engineering / Health Care
Research Initiatives: Biomedical Engineering Research To bring in synergy between fundamental and applied sciences, engineering, and medicine To facilitate teaching, research, and entrepreneurship in diagnostics and therapy About 24 faculty members of the institute are participating in the activities of this program A biomedical engineering program was established in 2013 to meet the challenge of providing affordable healthcare. This program will facilitate innovation in biomedical research to find solutions to our healthcare needs. 21
Prof. G D Puri and Drs. Preeti Mathew from PGI and Navin Kumar from IIT Ropar have successfully developed a closed loop anaesthesia delivery system (CLADS). The institute will develop CLADS into a wireless device after the technology transfer. 22
Undergraduate Teaching Incubation and Innovation 23
Innovation in teaching and Curriculum updation – B. Tech Level Tablet PC are being used in classroom teaching and shared with Students on Google drive. Lectures are also recorded and put on Google drive for use of students at all time. Flipped lectures are being introduced for certain courses. Students are encouraged to apply their classroom learning to solve basic and challenging problems. Courses are sandwiched with mini projects and problem solving exercises for “active learning” mode.
Following new courses have been developed and taught for UG Students:- 1.Computer Aided design and manufacturing 2.Sustainability science and technology 3.Medical devices 4.Biology for engineers 5.Power systems – from fundamentals to network 6.Embedded systems and applications 7.Power electronic devices and circuits 8.Software architecture
Following are some of new laboratories have been built for hands on training of B.Tech Students 1.Bio-Medical Engineering laboratory 2.Bio-Mechanical creativity and Innovation laboratory. 3.Clean and sustainable energy laboratory 4.Engine research laboratory 5.Complex fluids laboratory
XLPAT Labs Xlpat Labs is a platform for automated and user friendly patent tools- optimizing search time Developed innovative patent analysis tools Developed tools for automatic tracking of new patents in a specific area Supported from PDIF funds GreedyGame Innovative platform for blending ads into mobile games Game developers as well as advertisers gain Started by IIT Ropar alumni Supported from TIDE funds Omnipresent Robotics An innovative company in the area of Robotics, Electronic Sensing and Intelligent Electronics Develops state-of-the-art Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and River Cleaning Robots Omnipresent is Gold Medal Winner of DST – Lockheed Martin “India Innovation Growth Program” and a recipient of CNN India Positive Award Supported from PDIF funds Supported Technology and Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship through Center for Innovation and Business Incubation (CIBI)
Governance 28
29 Audit Report ( ) Annexure-2
30 Summary In the last five years IIT Ropar has accomplished: Research Excellence ( High Impact Research) Research with Utilitarian values for masses Best Students Placement Science and Technology inputs to the Local Administration Excellence in Governance
AdministrationAcademics Lecture Hall Complex Library 31 Glimpse of New Campus