From the parcels delimitation to the wine marketing: an integrated organization Avril 2009
2 Champagne-France
A precise area 3
4 A unique soil and an ancestral know-how Champagne, the combination of a unique, strictly defined territory and traditional production conditions, which are of the world’s most rigorous ones
5 What is Champagne ? A sparkling wine, produced in the region of Champagne, France, on the basis of strict methods that are prescribed by the French law and Community Regulations One of the world’s most prestigious wines A wine that is in conformity with very strict rules An economical asset for the region of Champagne-Ardennes A name, symbol of luxury and festivity, which is often the subject of misappropriation…
The production methods (1) The product has to comply with the horizontal regulation Champagne is a sparkling wine which must comply with the European regulations regarding sparkling wines 6 CHAMPAGN E Horizontal regulations
The production methods (2) Additional regulations apply for GI products Traditional and local production rules Definition of the rules by producers’ organizations Control by administrations and interprofessional organizations 7 CHAMPAGN E Horizontal regulations Additional regulations
8 A considerable economic position France is the first-ranked country for the production of sparkling wines and its Champagne represents 95% of this production 322,4 million bottles sold in 2008 A turnover of 4,3 billion euros in 2008 More than winegrowers and 300 Champagne houses, generating around direct jobs
The restricted area A shared mission Administration (specific body, fraud administration and customs) definition and control the respect of the restricted area Interprofessional organization Proposition to extend/restrict the aforesaid region Internal controls 9
10 The history of the Interprofessional organisation Phylloxera Anti-fraud law Champagne’s Revolution Law on Appellations of Origin Creation of the C.N.A.O. Champagne Decree Since the 1900’s, producers are increasing the quality requirements for the production of Champagne and decide to create two kind of professional organizations: the UMC (Union of the Champagne Houses) and the SGV (trade union of growers). Since the 30’s, wines are tested before being allowed to be labeled as Champagne. During the second world war, the German occupation encourages the coordinated action between the Champagne houses and growers and finally the CICV was founded in 1941 Since the 90’s, a follow-up of the quality is organizes in the market, including analysis and tasting of the wines.
Champagne committee
12 Law of 12 april 1941: creation of CIVC
13 Interprofessionnal organization COMMISSAIRE du GOUVERNEMENT COMMISSION PERMANENTE President of the Houses of the winegrowers COMMISSION PERMANENTE President of the Houses of the winegrowers EXECUTIVE COMMITTE 6 wine merchants + 6 winegrowers EXECUTIVE COMMITTE 6 wine merchants + 6 winegrowers SPEZIALIZED COMMISSIONS Commission Technique Commission Communication & Appellation Champagne Commission d’Equipement du Vignoble Commission du Suivi Aval de la Qualité Commission Champagne, Santé et Société SPEZIALIZED COMMISSIONS Commission Technique Commission Communication & Appellation Champagne Commission d’Equipement du Vignoble Commission du Suivi Aval de la Qualité Commission Champagne, Santé et Société Economic missions - Vineyard and harvest - Market organization - Export - Economic research institute Technical missions - Viticulture - Œnology - Environment - Sustainable development Communication missions -Information - Reception of delegations - Champagne desks - Protection of the AOC Operation - Human resources - Accounting - Maintenance - Information systems Union des Maisons de Champagne Union des Maisons de Champagne Syndicat Général des Vignerons de la Champagne Syndicat Général des Vignerons de la Champagne CIVC Units
14 What is the CIVC ? The “Comité interprofessionnel du vin de Champagne” was founded by an Act of 12 April 1941 in view of safeguarding the harmonic development of the trade. An organism charged with a mission of public interest and which carries out four main missions : 1) Maintain a balanced relationship between the two professions & organise the market management 2) Control the quality of the products and improve it 3) Promote and protect the appellation of origin"Champagne" 4) Promote a sustainable development and respect for the environment
houses de Champagne exploiting around 10% of the vineyard et stocking up with grapes for the rest to the winegrowers They realize 66% of expeditions of Champagne and more than 86% of export The houses of Champagne
The winegrowers Exploiting 90% of the vineyard. Family farm with an average area of 2 hectares harvest informants, of which are farmers winegrowers market Champagne 140 coopératives gather more than the half of harvest informants and more than the half of the vineyard’s area 16
The market management
Market management Ensure a sustainable Champagne economy, through knowledge of the market and market regulation 18 Determining the conditions of production in coordination with the producers, traders and administrations Collecting all the data on the production and sales Know the actors; Know the production; Know the transactions; Know the sales; Know the stocks
The knowledge of the market 19 4 missions Vineyard and harvest Export TM registration Economic research institute
The stocks control 20 Millions bottles
The professional card 21
Quality improvement
The elder mission of the interprofessional organisation, since Phylloxera destroyed most of the vineyard 23 R&D at every stage of the production process - 50 people staff - More than 120 R&D programs - From the vine to the cork… Control of the quality - Control the respect of the production process (f.e. : pressing centers) - Follow-up of the quality - Anti-counterfeiting tool, etc.
The annual yield per hectare 24 Kg
25 The harvest (in million of bottles)
26 Authorized grapes in Champagne Pinot noir : 39% Chardonnay : 28% Pinot meunier : 33%
The production methods The importance of the pressing in Champagne A specific pressing process in specific pressing centers The pressing process is regulated by administration, on the basis of traditional know-how CIVC is approving each pressing center The administration is controlling the pressing process CIVC is continuously experimenting new pressing processes, which would ensure the quality and typicity of Champagne wines 27
The production methods Many other criteria Grape varieties, Density of the vines in the vineyard Specific cutting of the vine Second fermentation in bottles, minimum ageing conditions Specific regulations for vintage wines Specific labeling provisions 28
The quality standards Since the 1900’s, producers are increasing the quality requirements for the production of Champagne Since the 30’s, wines are tested before being allowed to be labeled as Champagne Since the 90’s, a follow-up of the quality is organized in the market, including analysis and tasting of the wines 29
Control of quality 30
The quality standards An adapted control system - adapted to the type of product and its specificities - adapted to the specific market of the products - adapted to the notoriety of the product and the risk of misuse. 31
32 Thank you for your attention COMITÉ INTERPROFESSIONNEL DU VIN DE CHAMPAGNE 5, rue Henri-Martin, Boîte Postale Épernay Cedex France