Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry Mag. Barbara Reithmayer
FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 2 Previous experience FP6, Priority 6 – Sustainable Energy Systems, Coordination Action Project acronym: NETBIOCOF Full title: Integrated European Network on Biomass Co-firing (ongoing) “Intelligent Energy – Europe” Programme Project acronym: AGRIFORENERGY Full title: Promoting the use of biomass from agricultural and forestry sector for heating, electricity and transport purposes (ongoing) “ALTENER” Programme Project acronym: WEB-Tool Full title: Wood energy business toolbox (finished) Further projects within the programmes THERMIE, ALTENER, INTERREG III B
FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 3 First choice topic Novel solid biofuels for electricity generation Demand for solid biomass for CHP plants in Austria is growing very fast (from 14.5 million solid m³ in 2005 to 19 million solid m³ in 2010) Production of solid biofuels on agricultural land is needed, e.g. Short rotation forestry (willow, poplar) Miscanthus Energy maize Straw, hay etc. Optimisation of technologies for planting, harvesting and pre-treatment (chipping, pelletising, …) is important
FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 4 Key competences and skills Own trials on agricultural land and grassland Short rotation forestry (willow, poplar) Miscanthus Energy maize Straw, hay Switch grass etc. Experience on Logistics of woodchips supply for Biomass district heating plants Biomass CHP plants Quality management systems and standards for wood fuels Planning of biomass district heating plants
FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 5 Thank you for your attention! Mag. Barbara Reithmayer Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark (Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry) A-8010 Graz, Hamerlinggasse 3 Tel: Fax: Internet: