Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry Mag. Barbara Reithmayer.


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Presentation transcript:

Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry Mag. Barbara Reithmayer

FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 2 Previous experience  FP6, Priority 6 – Sustainable Energy Systems, Coordination Action  Project acronym: NETBIOCOF  Full title: Integrated European Network on Biomass Co-firing (ongoing)  “Intelligent Energy – Europe” Programme  Project acronym: AGRIFORENERGY  Full title: Promoting the use of biomass from agricultural and forestry sector for heating, electricity and transport purposes (ongoing)  “ALTENER” Programme  Project acronym: WEB-Tool  Full title: Wood energy business toolbox (finished)  Further projects within the programmes THERMIE, ALTENER, INTERREG III B

FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 3 First choice topic  Novel solid biofuels for electricity generation  Demand for solid biomass for CHP plants in Austria is growing very fast (from 14.5 million solid m³ in 2005 to 19 million solid m³ in 2010)  Production of solid biofuels on agricultural land is needed, e.g.  Short rotation forestry (willow, poplar)  Miscanthus  Energy maize  Straw, hay etc.  Optimisation of technologies for planting, harvesting and pre-treatment (chipping, pelletising, …) is important

FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 4 Key competences and skills  Own trials on agricultural land and grassland  Short rotation forestry (willow, poplar)  Miscanthus  Energy maize  Straw, hay  Switch grass etc.  Experience on  Logistics of woodchips supply for  Biomass district heating plants  Biomass CHP plants  Quality management systems and standards for wood fuels  Planning of biomass district heating plants

FP7 International Partnering Meeting / Mag. Barbara Reithmayer 30th January 2007 / Slide 5 Thank you for your attention! Mag. Barbara Reithmayer Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark (Styrian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry) A-8010 Graz, Hamerlinggasse 3 Tel: Fax: Internet: