Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Basic Course Lesson - 3


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Presentation transcript:

Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Basic Course Lesson - 3

Lesson Plan  Hadith  Quran - Al-Feel  Grammar  Motivational tip  Reminders


Hadith "He who fights in order that the Word of Allah remains the supreme, is considered as fighting in the cause of Allah". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was asked about who fights in the battlefield out of valour, or out of zeal, or out of hypocrisy, which of this is considered as fighting in the cause of Allah? He said: [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Source: Riyadh us Saaliheen 3-8

Therefore, let us do everything just for the sake of Allah.

AL QURAN Surah Al-Feel

Open your notes & Take out your pencil Let us study it verse by verse. Let us study it verse by verse. Keep looking at your notes for writing imp. points with your pencil. Keep looking at your notes for writing imp. points with your pencil.

0 أَ لَمْتَرَكَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَ بُّكَ Have notyou seenhowyour Lord dealt بِأَصْحَابِالْفِيلِ (1) with the companions(of) the elephant?

أَ Have? Do?Is? A Question Word

Did not Will not لَمْ لَنْ

أَلَمْ تَرَ ؟ Didn’t you see? Didn’t you see? Haven’t you seen? A Question Word

كَيْفَ حَالُكَ؟ How are you? How are you? Another Question Word

صَاحِب Plural singular Companion أَصْحَاب

0 Feel the warning. Be alert. Feel the warning. Be alert. Feel the power of Allah. Feel the power of Allah. Pay full attention. Pay full attention. Don’t be impressed by any power. Don’t be impressed by any power. أَ لَمْتَرَكَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَ بُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِالْفِيلِ (1) Have not you seen howyour Lord dealt with the companions (of) the elephant?

2 أَلَمْيَجْعَلْكَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ (2) Didn'tHe maketheir plot[in] go astray? كَيْد plot

Have you heard… إِنَّهُمْ يَكِيدُونَ كَيْداً * وَأَكِيدُ كَيْداً * Surely they are plotting a plot (against you, O Muhammad) And I am plotting a plot (against them). 4 times the plotting is mentioned in it (Surah 86:15-16)

From same root ضَالِّين تَضْلِيل Those who go astray To make (their plot) go astray

2 أَلَمْيَجْعَلْكَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ (2) Didn'tHe maketheir plot[in] go astray? Nobody should ever think that his plot can work against Allah. Nobody should ever think that his plot can work against Allah.

3 وَّأَرْسَ لَ عَلَيْهِمْطَيْرًا أَبَابِيلَ ( 3) And [He] sent against them birds(in) flocks, Allah has numerous armies at his disposal, like the birds here. Allah has numerous armies at his disposal, like the birds here.

From same root أَرْسَلَ رَسُول He sent One who is sent; messenger

طَيْر Picture (of 2, 3 different birds) Note: The birds which Allah sent may be different طَيَّارَة (the one which flies – aeroplane) – picture

طَيّارَة، سَيّارَة Picture (of plane) Picture (of car)

أبَابِيل Picture (Flock of birds) Note: That flock which Allah sent may be different

4 تَرْمِيهِمْبِحِجَارَةٍ مِّنَ سِجِّيلٍ (4) Striking themwith stonesof baked clay.

رَمِي Stoning of the devil in Hajj (Picture?) Stoning of the devil in Hajj (Picture?)

حجر أسود The black stone (in the wall of Ka’ba) – picture?

حَجَر Plural singular stone حِجَارَة

4 تَرْمِيهِمْبِحِجَارَةٍ مِّنَ سِجِّيلٍ (4) Striking themwith stonesof baked clay. Once they fell, the person’s flesh would rot and fall in pieces. Once they fell, the person’s flesh would rot and fall in pieces. Imagine the chaos that must have taken place in that army. Imagine the chaos that must have taken place in that army.

رَمِي Stoning of the devil in Hajj (Picture?) Stoning of the devil in Hajj (Picture?)

حجر أسود The black stone (in the wall of Ka’ba) – picture?

حَجَر Plural singular stone حِجَارَة

clay baked clay (bricks, tiles) سِجِّيل Baked Clay

5 فَجَعَلَهُمْكَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُولٍ ( 5) Then He made them like straw eaten up (by cattle).

فَجَعَلَهُمْ فَ + جَعَلَ + هُمْ them He made so

كَ، كَمَا كَ : like كَمَا : like

عَصْف Picture of straw Picture of eaten straw (that which is dropping from sideways of the mouth of a cow after chewing.

5 أَكَلَ مَأْكُول He ate That which is eaten

5 مَظْلُوم مَغْضُو ب مَأْكُول The one who received ظلم The one who received anger That which is eaten

5 فَجَعَلَهُمْكَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُولٍ ( 5) Then He made them like straw eaten up (by cattle). They must have been bragging about their power a while ago and now they were humiliated and reduced to worse than trash.

Silent Study for 2 min. in Silence Use your pencil to mark or underline new words. And now translate…

سُورَۃُ الْفِيل أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ (1) أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ (2)

سُورَۃُ الْفِيل وَأَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْراً أَبَابِيلَ (3) تَرْمِيهِمْ بِحِجَارَةٍ مِنْ سِجِّيلٍ (4) فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَأْكُولٍ (5)

قواعد – Grammar

Let us Revise the last class

45 These 6 words have occurred 1295 times in the Qur’an هُوَhe هُمْthey أنْتَyou أنْتُمْ you all أنَاI نَحْنُwe When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs

46 مُسْلِم  مُسْلِمُون، مُسْلِمِين مُؤْمِن  مُؤمِنُون، مُؤمِنِين صَالِح  صَالِحُون، صَالِحِين كَافِر  كَافِرُون ، كَافِرِين مُشْرِك  مُشْرِكُون، مُشْرِكِين مُنَافِق  مُنَافِقُون، مُنَافِقِين هُوَ مُسْلِم هُمْ مُسْلِمُون أنْتَ مُسْلِم أنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُون أَنَا مُسْلِم نَحْنُ مُسْلِمُون جمع سالم: ون، ين

47 Today’s Lesson in Grammar

48 مُسْلِم  مُسْلِمُون، مُسْلِمِين مُؤْمِن  مُؤمِنُون، مُؤمِنِين صَالِح  صَالِحُون، صَالِحِين كَافِر  كَافِرُون ، كَافِرِين مُشْرِك  مُشْرِكُون، مُشْرِكِين مُنَافِق  مُنَافِقُون، مُنَافِقِين هُوَ صَالِح هُمْ صَالِحُون أنْتَ صَالِح أنْتُمْ صَالِحُون أَنَا صَالِح نَحْنُ صَالِحُون جمع سالم: ون، ين

49 His, their, … We have learnt he, them, you, you, I and we Now let us learn his, their, your, your, my, and our. It comes as an attachment!!!

50 These parts have come in almost every line of the Qur’an (almost 10,000 times ) His/him, their/them, … -هُ his -هُم their -كَyour -كُمyour -ي-ي-ي-يmy -نَا our

رَبُّه ، His Rabb رَبُّهُمْ Their Rabb رَبُّكَ Your Rabb رَبُّكُمْ رَبِّي My Rabb رَبُّنَا Our Rabb رَبّ Cherisher & sustainer When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs

Motivational tip

If we don’t understand the Qur’an… Our Daily Tarbiyah (training) program designed by Allah is not utilized properly

Daily Tarbiyah Program Allah swt has designed a daily tarbiyah Program for us thru: 6 Lectures in Salah (2 each in Fajr, Maghrib, and Isha; because the Imam reads from Qur’an in them) 6 Lectures in Salah (2 each in Fajr, Maghrib, and Isha; because the Imam reads from Qur’an in them) Personal Recitation of the Qur’an (we should do that everyday!) Personal Recitation of the Qur’an (we should do that everyday!)

Daily Tarbiyah Program How can we do Tabdabbur (ponder) and Tazakkur (receive admonition) if we don’t even understand it.

A Huuuuuge Loss!!! HUGE LOSS, if we don’t understand Qur’an. 365*6 = almost 2000 lectures of Allah lost Live and Relevant guidance (DPPR) is lost Plus whatever we listen in Taraweeh or recite daily is also not understood. Yearly almost 5 to 15 Qur’anic exposures are lost!!!

So… Let us learn the complete Qur’an. Shaitaan will come up with 1000 excuses for you. Be ware and don’t skip any class. It will help us receive LIVE guidance from Allah every day for the rest of our lives.

Reminders Remember the Du’aa Remember the Du’aa Don’t forget the 7 home works Don’t forget the 7 home works 1. 5 min. study (at the start of the day) 2. 5 min. recitation from Mushaf (Qur’an) without translation 3. 5 min. recitation from memory seconds study for 5 times (preferably before or after Salah) from the pocket book / POSTERS 5. 1 min. discussion about the lesson with your friend 6. Recite different Surahs in the Salah 7. Listen to the cassettes Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you & your friends to continue this work. Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you & your friends to continue this work.

Be ready for the next lesson! Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an this Ramadan. Thank Him & don’t reject his selection by walking away! Don’t give up! سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ