Ordering at McDonalds Dialogue I Dialogue II Vocabulary Patterns 補充字彙.


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Presentation transcript:

Ordering at McDonalds Dialogue I Dialogue II Vocabulary Patterns 補充字彙

Dialogue I Clerk: Hi,may I help you? Student: Two hamburgers, please. Clerk: Anything to drink? Student:One small coke. Clerk: Anything else? Student: Yes, two fries, please. Clerk: Large, medium, or small?

Student: Medium. Clerk: How about an apple pie? Student: No, thanks. How much is it? Clerk: That’s 240 NT dollars. Student: Here’s 300 NT dollars. Clerk: Thank you. Here’s your change, 60 dollars.

Dialogue II Clerk: Hi,what would you like to order? Student: I’d like to have six chicken nuggets. Clerk: Anything to drink? Student: Yes,orange juice, please. Clerk: What about a hamburger? Student: No, I want an ice cream.

Clerk: Here or to go? Student: Take-out, please. Can I have some more ketchup and napkins? Clerk:Sure, that’s all? Student: Yes, how much is it? Clerk: That’s 100 NT dollars. Student: Here’s 100 NT dollars. Clerk: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

Vocabulary * hamburger : 漢堡 Hamburgers easily make us fat. * coke : 可樂 Drinking coke often does harm to our health. * medium: 中等的 The man is of medium height.

* ketchup : 蕃茄醬 The smell of ketchup makes me sick. * napkin : 餐巾 We need napkins to wipe our mouths after meal.

Patterns 1 else ( 其它的 ) : 常和 anything,anywhere, anyone等連用,且須放於這些字之後 2 medium,small,large : 均表尺寸之形容詞 又 medium 亦可譯成 “半熟的 ” 3 How about/what about + Ving / N : 用來表達提議,建議之意 Ex: How about going to the movies?

4 I’d like to = I would like to = I want to 5 here or to go: 內用或者是外帶

補 充 字 彙 combo ( 套餐 ) : sprite ( 雪碧 ) Hi-c or orange soda ( 橘子汽水 ) 補 充 字 彙 combo ( 套餐 ) : 通常看著圖片就知道要點哪個套餐,只要說 “combo number one” 或 “number one” 就好 diet coke ( 減肥可樂 ) sprite ( 雪碧 ) Hi-c or orange soda ( 橘子汽水 ) straw ( 吸管 )