RSVP: The Future of High Energy Physics at the AGS Michael Hebert UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users ’ Meeting BNL, May 15 – 16, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

RSVP: The Future of High Energy Physics at the AGS Michael Hebert UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users ’ Meeting BNL, May 15 – 16, 2003

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting2 Rare Symmetry Violating Processes RSVP is an approved NSF Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction project for two new AGS experiments that could profoundly change our understanding of physics MECO is a search for physics beyond the Standard Model via at the level of 2 × , or four orders of magnitude more sensitivity than previous similar experiments KOPIO seeks to directly measure   the complex phase in the CKM matrix that leads to CP violation in the Standard Model via

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting3 MECO Collaboration Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow V. M. Lobashev, V. Matushka, New York University R. M. Djilkibaev, A. Mincer, P. Nemethy, J. Sculli, A.N. Toropin Osaka University M. Aoki, Y. Kuno, A. Sato University of Pennsylvania W. Wales Syracuse University R. Holmes, P. Souder College of William and Mary M. Eckhause, J. Kane, R. Welsh Boston University J. Miller, B. L. Roberts, O. Rind Brookhaven National Laboratory K. Brown, M. Brennan, G. Greene, L. Jia, W. Marciano, W. Morse, Y. Semertzidis, P. Yamin University of California, Irvine M. Hebert, T. J. Liu, W. Molzon, J. Popp, V. Tumakov University of Houston E. V. Hungerford, K. A. Lan, L. S. Pinsky, J. Wilson University of Massachusetts, Amherst K. Kumar

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting4 Discovery of or a similar charged lepton flavor violating (LFV) process would be unambiguous evidence for new physics Such processes should occur via mixing, but the rate is infinitesimal. Charged LFV occurs in nearly all scenarios for physics beyond the SM, in many cases at levels that MECO or PSI MEG will detect. Effective mass reach of a sensitive search is enormous, well beyond that accessible with direct searches, e.g. for leptoquarks in MECO: Studying PeV Scale Effects at the AGS The intensity and time structure of the AGS make it the machine to provide the immense numbers of protons needed to reach this level

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting5 From Hall and Barbieri Large t quark Yukawa couplings imply observable levels of LFV in supersymmetric grand unified models Extent of LFV in grand unified SUSY is related to quark mixing Original ideas extended by Hisano, et al MECO single event sensitivity ReRe PSI-MEG single event sensitivity Current SINDRUM2 bound Current MEGA bound B (   e  ) SUSY Predictions for Charged LFV

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting6 Muon to Electron Conversion Low energy muons are stopped in Ti foils, forming muonic atoms Three possible fates for the muon –Nuclear capture –Three body decay in orbit –Coherent LFV decay Signal is a single mono-energetic electron Rate is normalized to the kinematically similar weak capture process:

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting7 MECO Backgrounds The dominant background is muon decay in orbit –Steeply falling spectrum near endpoint, e.g. –This sets the required energy resolution: N bkgd  0.25 for R  e = 1    E e  900 keV (FWHM) Prompt backgrounds are suppressed by pulsing the primary proton beam –Beam pulse duration <<  lifetime –Pulse separation ~  lifetime in Ti –Extinction between pulses < All other backgrounds eliminated by a combination of energy resolution, shielding, and active cosmic ray veto

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting8 Features of the MECO Experiment 1000–fold increase in  beam intensity over existing facilities –High Z target for improved pion production –Axially-graded 5 T solenoidal field to maximize pion capture Curved transport selects low momentum   Muon stopping target in a 2 T axially-graded field to improve conversion e - acceptance High rate capability electron detectors in a constant 1 T field Calorimeter Straw Tracker Stopping Target Foils Pion Production Target Superconducting Solenoids Proton Beam Muon Beam 5 T 2.5 T 2 T 1 T

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting9 Expected MECO Performance 900 keV FWMH Background with Detector Response Full GEANT Simulation Signal Side View of Spectrometer Axial View If   e conversion occurs at a rate of R  e = 1  MECO should observe 5 events with 0.25 events background Simulated signal event

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting10 MECO R&D Efforts Tracker Studies Chamber prototypes at Houston & Osaka Electronics design at Houston Detector simulation at NYU and UCI Straw testing at UCI Muon Beamline Development Vacuum window conceptual design at BNL Optimization studies at UCI Muon stop monitor tests planned by William & Mary Detector support and installation design at BNL & NYU Calorimeter Prototyping at NYU Cosmic Ray Veto System (Not Shown) Prototyping at William & Mary Production Target Prototyping at UCI Magnet Design at MIT & UCI

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting11 Very detailed CDR completed (300+ pages) Complete 3D drawing package Technical Specification and SOW for commercial procurement being prepared Industrial “manufacturability” studies completed Interface engineering ongoing as funds allow 5 T maximum field 150 MJ stored energy Uses surplus SSC cable Within industry capabilities The MECO Magnets The superconducting solenoids define the critical path for MECO Draft RFP to be released at the end of the summer Preliminary safety input from 6/3 meeting here

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting12 Snapshots of Other MECO R&D Houston has constructed a 3 m Tracker prototype vane to study mechanical aspects of the design Prototype front-end electronics evaluated on smaller prototype chambers, signals in pads & resistive straws meet expectations Osaka has developed seamless straws and tested their behavior in small prototype chambers at KEK, initial results are very encouraging although 3m length is a challenge Calorimeter crystal evaluations underway at NYU. Cooled PbWO 4 with large area APD appears viable AGS engineers have completed a conceptual design for the anti-proton stopping window magnet interface

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting13 Brookhaven National Laboratory I-H. Chiang, J.W. Glenn, D. Jaffe, D. Lazarus, K. Li, L. Littenberg, G. Redlinger, C. Scarlett, M. Sivertz, A. Stevens, R. Strand University of Cinncinnati K. Kinoshita IHEP, Protvino G.Britvich, S.Chernichenko, R.Rogalev, V.Semenov, I.Shein, A.Soldatov, N.Tyurin, V.Vassil'chenko, A.Yanovich INR, Moscow A. Ivashkin, D.Ishuk, M. Khabibullin, A. Khotjanzev, Y. Kudenko, A. Levchenko, O. Mineev, N. Yershov and A.Vasiljev. INFN-University of Perugia G. Anzivino, P. Cenci, E. Imbergamo, A. Nappi, M. Valdata KEK M. Kobayashi Kyoto University of Education R. Takashima Kyoto University K. Misouchi, H. Morii, T. Nomura, N. Sasao, T. Sumida Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University M. Blecher, M. Pitt, B. Vogelaar University of New Mexico B. Bassalleck, N. Bruner, D.E. Fields, J. Lowe, T.L. Thomas University of Montreal* J.-P. Martin Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility M. Ito State University of New York at Stony Brook I. Christidi, M. Marx, D. Schamberger TRIUMF P. Amaudruz, E. Blackmore, A. Daviel, M.Dixit, J. Doornbos, P. Gumplinger, R. Henderson, J. Macdonald, T. Numao, R. Poutissou University of British Columbia D. Bryman, M. Hasinoff University of Virginia E. Frlez, D. Pocanic University of Zurich P. Robmann, P. Trüol, A. van der Schaaf, S. Scheu Yale University G. Atoyan, S.K. Dhawan, V. Issakov, H. Kaspar, A. Poblaguev, M.E. Zeller The KOPIO Collaboration

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting14 CP Violation in the Standard Model KOPIO E949, CKM BaBar, Belle, CDF, D0 CDF, D0, LHCB, BTEV KOPIO will directly measure the complex CKM phase via K0 decay with minimal theoretical uncertainty This is complementary to b sector measurements, with different sensitivities to new physics contributions

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting15 Standard Model Expectation: (2.6  1.2)  Existing Limits –Limit from –KTeV Final Limit: Goals for New Experiments –KEK E391a: s.e.s. < — –KOPIO: s.e.s 50 reconstructed events Note for scale that the primary background is with a branching ratio of Limits

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting16 KOPIO Design Concept Maximally constrain each event by measuring the trajectory, arrival time, and energy of both photons from  0 decay Reconstruct  0 vertex and use Time-of-Flight to determine K 0 momentum Working in the K0 CM separates two-body decays from three-body signal Surround the decay region with an extremely efficient photon 4  veto to minimize missed 

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting17 Features of the KOPIO Experiment 2 X 0 Preradiator Shashlyk Calorimeter Aerogel Beam   Veto Barrel  Veto

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting18 Expected KOPIO Performance Plotting reconstructed  0 energy in the K0 rest frame vs. the asymmetry in photon energies shows separation of signal and  0  0 background If occurs at the SM rate, KOPIO expects to observe ~50 events with S/N ratio > 2

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting19 KOPIO R&D Snapshots 2002 beam tests achieved required beam pulse width < 300 ps, although inter-pulse extinction requires additional work to reach 0.1% Full size Preradiator modules under construction, extruded scintillator with holes under development 20 Calorimeter prototypes delivered and poised for test beam studies Barrel veto prototypes under test for timing, light yield, uniformity All minimal required detector performance parameters have been met  = 252 ps f ext ~3-4%

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting20 RSVP Status Scientific Approval Approved by BNL and by the NSF through level of the Director Approved by the NSB as an MREFC Project Endorsed by the HEPAP Subpanel on long-range planning Technical and Management Reviews Positively reviewed by several NSF and Laboratory appointed panels MECO magnet system design positively reviewed by external expert committees appointed by MECO leadership Funding Currently operating on R&D funds from the NSF RSVP is not in the President’s FY04 budget, efforts in Congress are ongoing The NSF FY04 Budget Request states that RSVP construction will begin in FY06 with increasing R&D support in the interim Schedule NSF funding profile shows a five-year construction plan completing in FY10 NSF will provide incremental operations support above that needed for AGS operations in support of RHIC

May 15-16, 2003M. Hebert, UC Irvine RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting21 Outlook The physics potential for RSVP is robust and compelling. We expect to move into the detailed design phase very soon, meaning now is the perfect time for people to get involved. We look forward to extending the long and outstanding tradition of discovery at the AGS.