As you know, there is a story about three little pigs and the houses they built. First, let’s review the story!
There were once three little pigs. Amazingly, these pigs could walk and talk and build new houses. Each one decided to build their own house and each one decided to use a different building material!
What were the three kinds of building materials used by the little pigs?
Think about each type of building material and consider the following: Imagine that the houses all have walls that are 8’ X 12’. What would the approximate cost of the wall materials be for each house? How durable would each material be? Using the different materials, which walls would take the longest to build?
Use this matrix to help you rate the houses! Remember, 1 is least – 5 is most ExpenseDurableLaborTotal Straw Sticks Bricks
Which house would you want to protect you from the wolf?
Which house would you want to have if there was no wolf? Which house would you want to live on a desert Island? Which house would you not want if you lived in a cow pasture? Which house could be built if you had no money?