The Pardoner Pardoner: one who is authorized to sell indulgences or pardons from punishment from sins Rode with Summoner Hair as yellow as wax, smooth, down to his shoulders and thinly fell like rat-tails Rode in the newest manner of riding Wore a little cap on his head with a holy relic sewed on it Overflowing with pardons from Rome A small voice like a goat, his chin no beard Judged to be weak No pardoner with equal grace He drew in a lot of money in a short day and made fools of the priest and congregation He was still a noble cleric He sang Offertory (song accompanying the collection of the offering in church) Sang merrily and loud
The Tale Three hooligans sat playing cards, drinking and fighting until they notice they was a funeral going on outside. They asked the server of the inn to find on what was going on, but he said they was no need that he already knew. It had been a friend of theirs. The server and the keeper of inn warned the three youths about the present epidemic of the plague that was killing thousands called Death. Instead of taking the warning, the three youths set out to get revenge.They took an oath of brotherhood and went on their man-hunt. They hardly went half a mile before they passed an old man who was thin and poorly dressed. They pushed him out of the way yelling how as old as he was he should already be dead. The man told them how Death wouldn’t take his life. They stopped him then realizing that he must know Death.
The Tale Cont.. The old man said for them to take the path on their left and on towards the woods and there they could find Death Without saying thank you the three hooligans broke on a run to the woods They found a great golden gleaming pile of newly minted coins under the big oak Death was no longer important. Greed took them over. They made a plan to share the money three ways, but they couldn’t be seen with it or people would think they were robbers. They planned to wait till dark and carry it back to town. They pulled straws to see who would get the wine and something to eat will the other two guarded. The youngest pulled the shortest straw so he was sent to town.
The Tale Cont.. After the youngest left, the eldest told his plan to kill off the youngest so they only had to share the treasure two ways. They would stab him to death. Well the youngest was away, he too made a plan to kill the other two. He would poison their wine. The youngest came back, and they jumped on him and stabbed him to death as planned. They decided to celebrate and drink their wine before they had to bury the corpse. They drank the wine and both died from the poisoning.
Characters Eldest Hooligan: ringleader, wickedest, lead the search for Death and his idea to betray the youngest hooligan Middle Hooligan: follower and went along with the plan to betray the youngest and search for Death Youngest Hooligan : searched for Death, the one sent to get drinks and planned to poison the other two upon his return Pot-Boy: server of customers and does chores at the inn and told the hooligans about the most recent death Publican: keeper of the inn and and chimes in with details about Death Apothecary: who the youth ran to, to get the strong poison Death: killed a thousand, who the hooligans searched for and the one the at decided the final outcome
The Meaning of the Tale Greed is the root of all evil Death comes to all sooner or later THE END