Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” Testing Materials to Meet an Intended Purpose 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ Hey boys and girls show me what you know! Okay, let’s practice showing our Plicker cards. Carefully read and listen to each question and all possible answers. Carefully pick an answer by holding up your card with your answer choice on top. This child chose answer D. Hold your card up until your HSE tells you to go on. D
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ Here’s your first question! 1. What material would NOT be a good choice for protection from fire? A. straw B.brick C.metal After you are sure of your answer, hold it up! Testing Materials to Meet an Intended Purpose
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ After you are sure of your answer, hold it up! 2.Why was it important to keep the fan distance to the house the same for the straw, brick, and wood houses? that the wind blows at the same speed on all houses B.because the brick house was stronger than other houses C.because the houses are all different sizes D. because we want to knock over the brick house
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ 3. You did a fair experiment on three different materials. All of the following can make for a “fair test” except one. Find the one that would NOT make for a “fair test”. A.wind speeds all being the same B.making all house sizes and shapes the same C.the same amount of time for the wind blowing on all houses D.moving the fan closer to the wood house only
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ Here’s your last question! 4. What can you say about the pig who built the brick house? A.The brick house took a lot of skill and work to build. B.The pig is a good worker and knows his job is important. C.The pig understands that the house must be strong. D.All of the above. Testing Materials to Meet an Intended Purpose
Imperial Valley Discovery Zone “Inquiry Learning in Science” 2-PS1-2 Assessment IVDZ Testing Materials to Meet an Intended Purpose