Ch.4-5 Greece and Rome Leandra Mathew Neethu Thampy
Athenian Democracy ○ Voting ○ 1-3 Times a month ○ Pnyx hill – 6000 people ○ Nine presidents (proedroi) – voted ○ Food, military, Finance, ect. ○ Decision was final
Athenian Democracy ○ Men – 18+ ○ Magistrates and Jurors – 30+ ○ NO women, slaves, foreigners ○ Paid periods for travelors. ○boulē - small groups - 500
Athenian Democracy ○10-20% in polis ○3,000 actively participated ○100 dominated - wealthiest ○Met in secret ○People could be swayed ○Socrates ○Oligarchy after defeat at Sicily
Greek Innovations ○Direct Democracy ○Theater ○Tragedy ○Comedy ○Epic poems ○Illiad ○Odyssey
Greek Innovations ○Architecture ○Parthenon - Athena ○Columns ○Doric ○Corinthian ○Ionic ○Olympics ○Abacus ○Alphabet
Roman Innovations ○Paintings ○Domes ○Mastered Aqueducts ○Concrete ○Bound books
Roman Innovations ○Roads and Highways ○Julian Calendar ○The Twelve Tables and Corpus Juris Civilis ○Medical Procedures ○C-section ○Battlefield Surgery
Hellenistic Period ●Hellenistic period is referred to the time after the reign of Alexander the Great and the advancements of Greek culture. ●Spread through trade routes and allowed the cultures to mix.
Hellenistic Greek Advancements ○Diverse cultures ○Development of new kingdoms ○Women gain power ○Art, architecture, intellectual advancements ○Art and literature become more realistic ○more human life and emotions
Hellenistic Greece ○Philosophers like stoics, skeptics - schools ○more complex architecture ○Euclid's geometry ○Epic poems
Roman Republic 1.First ruled by kings 2.gather as an assembly to elect officials 3.Roman law a.Punished if unlawful 4.The twelve tables of law a. foundation of roman law b. basic procedural rights for each citizen
Roman Republic ○Wealthy class dominated ○Both men and women were citizens ○only men could vote ● Elected representatives on behalf of the people