Nouns Verbs Subordinate Clauses Vocab Culture & History
How are nouns used in the Dative Case?
Indirect Object; to/for a living being; direct object of a special verb
What two cases are affected by the CTSIDR words?
Accusative (place to which), Ablative (place from which)
Give the first, second, and third declension endings (singular and plural)
Case1 st 2 nd 3rd Nomaus/r---- Genaeiis Dataeoi Accamumem Ablāoe Nomaeies Genarumorumum Datis ibus Accasoses Ablis ibus
Give the fourth and fifth declension endings (singular and plural)
Case4 th 5 th Nomuses Genūsei Datuiei Accumem Ablūe Nomūses Genuumerum Datibusebus Accūses Ablibusebus
Give 5 uses of the Ablative Case other than SID SPACE and means
Agent means time CTSIDR(H) – away from ablative absolute separation origin comparison
What does “person” mean in regard to verbs?
Identifies the perspective of the subject
Give the two tenses that DO NOT appear in the subjunctive mood.
Future and Future Perfect
Give three ways in which you can translate the subjunctive and identify which tenses you use these words with.
Would/could/should/may/might Present and Perfect
How do you translate each of these verbs? Prin. Pts.: occido, occidere, occisi, occisus 1. occisisti 2. occiderent 3. occisus sum 4. occisi essemus
1. occisisti (you killed) 2. occiderent (they were killing) 3. occisus sum (I have been killed) 4. occisi essemus (we had been killed)
Put this verb into the following five forms in Latin: moneo, monēre, monui, monitus 1. 1 st, sing., indicative, present, active 2. 3 rd, plural, subj, imp., passive 3. 2 nd, plural, indicative, future, active 4. 1 st, pl., subj, perfect, active 5. 3 rd, singular, subj., present, passive
moneo, monēre, monui, monitus 1. 1 st, sing., indicative, present, active (moneo) 2. 3 rd, plural, subj, imp., passive (monerentur) 3. 2 nd, plural, indicative, future, active (monebitis) 4. 1 st, pl., subj, perfect, active (monuerimus) 5. 3 rd, singular, subj., present, passive (moneatur)
Which subordinate clause does not use a subjunctive verb?
Indirect Statement: uses an accusative and infinitive
What are the three types of “cum” clauses, how do you translate them each respectively, and how do you identify the difference?
Cum Causal: because/since Cum Circumstantial: when Cum Concessive: although You have to translate the clause both ways to identify the best one.
Give 6 signpost words for the Result Clause.
Tam, tantus, sic, ita, talis, adeo, tot
Give eight question words that indicate the indirect question.
Qui, quis, quid, cur, quando, ubi, quomodo, quo
Translate this sentence correctly: Caesar speravit Ciceronem ad Pompeium non iturum esse.
Caesar speravit Ciceronem ad Pompeium non iturum esse. Caesar hoped that Cicero would not go to Pompey.
Give the correct meaning of this word: uxor, is
Give the correct meaning of these words: urbs, urbis filia, ae
urbs, urbis: city filia, ae: daughter
Give the correct meaning of these words: meus, a, um studium, i vulgus, i
meus, a, um: my studium, i: enthusiasm vulgus, i: crowd
Give the correct meaning of these words: esse moriri gerere gaudēre
Esse: to be moriri: to die gerere: to wage gaudēre: to rejoice, be glad
Give the correct meaning of these words: intrare pulcher intellegere nam exitium
Intrare: to enter pulcher: pretty, handsome intellegere: to understand nam: for exitium: destruction, killing, death
In what year was Rome founded?
753 BC
Please give me two characteristics of Doric architecture
No base Thick Column Plain Capital Plain Architrave Metopes and Triglyphs No cornicing
Identify the most pivotal battle in the Gallic Wars, the year it took place, and its Gallic general:
Alesia, 52 BC, Vercingetorix
1. What are the three orders of Greek architecture? 2. Give two characteristics of each that are NOT the capital of the column.
1. Doric, Ionic Corinthian 2. Magistra will confirm.
Identify the Roman who goes with each fact: 1. Wrote the Letter about Pompeii 2. Wrote the “De Bello Gallico” 3. Wrote the “Echo and Narcissus” 4. Wrote the “Pro Caelio” 5. Killed himself for his political beliefs in the war against Caesar.
1.Wrote the Letter: Pliny the Younger 2. Wrote the “De Bello Gallico”: Caesar 3. Wrote the “Echo et Narcissus”: Ovid 4. Wrote the “Pro Caelio”: Cicero 5. Killed himself for his political beliefs: Cato