Florida Voter Registration Lookup
Voter Lookup Website Provides citizens of Florida the opportunity to view their voting status –Voter enters information First and Last name Date of Birth Provides links to their county Supervisor of Elections’ website
Once submitted, if there is only one voter that matches the criteria, a new page will provide their personal information: –Full Name –Street Address –City –Zip Code –County –Gender –Date of Voter Registration –Party Affiliation, and –Voting Eligibility Voter Lookup Website
If there is more than one voter that matches the selected information, voters will be presented with a list of names and addresses. The user can click on the voter with the correct address and will then be given his/her personal information. Voter Lookup Website
Links provided Upon selection of a voter, the user will be redirected to the County Supervisor of Elections absentee voting and precinct website. There the user can see: Absentee voting information Precinct information Voter Lookup Website
If the SOE does not have absentee voting information or precinct information for that user, then the SOE will notify the voter directly on the resulting web page. Voter Lookup Website