Voter’s Handbook How voting works
Can anybody vote in America? No, must meet qualifications Voting Qualifications U.S. Citizen 18 yrs or older
Who sets the “qualifications” to vote? Originally… Constitution gave power to states Since Civil War… Amendments, laws, court decisions give details Why???
Does your vote really count? Yes!!! Every vote counts Some elections lost by 1 vote
What is the first step to voting? But, other countries don’t have to, why do we? To prevent voting fraud “Vote Early and Often”
How can I register to vote? Different for each state National Voter Registration Act (1995) States must make registration forms available at state offices Motor vehicle dept. Welfare offices
Voting Procedures You vote at a polling place, in your home precinct Sign-In Check signature Enter voting booth
Types of Ballots Office-group ballot President John McCain Republican Party Barack Obama Democratic Party Ralph Nader Green Party Ticket-splitting??? Party-column ballot Republican Party John McCain (President) Sarah Palin (Vice-President) Democratic Party Barack Obama (President) Joe Biden (Vice-President)
Special Circumstances Help ensure all Americans can vote Absentee Ballot- if can’t make election you can sign up to vote before, send by mail Out of town Hospitalized Physical Disability Jail (misdemeanor)
Voting esults/president/ esults/president/ Finish the questions on pg. 491 Start questions on pg. 497 #1-5