DBQ Agenda Pick up your DBQ from the back cart. 一 Hook 五 Bucketing 二 Background Essay 六 Thesis Development 三 Understanding the 七 Essay Outline Question / Pre-Bucketing 四 Document Analysis 八 Essay Writing
Should Americans Be Required to Vote? A DBQ for the fourth nine weeks. Should Americans Be Required to Vote? When you get your packet, write your name and class period on the top line.
一 The Hook: (page 331) Homework in Study Hall The principal has asked you to help choose the rule for next semester’s study hall. Here are the four options: Students can decide for themselves whether to do their homework in study hall. Students don’t have to do homework in study hall if they have at least a B average. Students who do their homework in study hall (or complete it) will get a vending machine credit in the lunchroom. Students who do not do their homework in study hall will get detention.
二 Background Essay: Timeline Turn to page 335 and follow along with the pictures as we click through history.
二 Background Essay: Vocabulary (page 391) Skim the background essay for these words and use context clues and nearby student to come up with approximation definitions. You have 6 minutes. electorate consent of the governed legitimacy registration compulsory
二 Background Essay: Vocabulary Check your definitions. Did you get close? Add as much as you need to from these definitions. electorate – the voters consent of the governed – a theory of government as being an instrument of the people who have consented to give it certain powers in return for protecting their basic rights (tl;dr permission to be ruled) legitimacy – authenticity (legit!) registration – process of recording the identification and residence of a voter compulsory – mandatory or required
二 Background Essay: Listening Please follow along with your finger as I read the background essay aloud. electorate – the voters consent of the governed – a theory of government as being an instrument of the people who have consented to give it certain powers in return for protecting their basic rights (tl;dr permission to be ruled) legitimacy – authenticity (legit!) registration – process of recording the identification and residence of a voter compulsory – mandatory or required
二 Background Essay: Quickthinks DO NOT GET INTO YOUR GROUPS UNTIL I’VE READ ALL THESE INSTRUCTIONS! Your group is based on your row (so no more than 4 per group). Move your desks together and keep apart from other groups. Re-read the background essay on page 387 and 389 together. The group leader (the person whose birthday comes up next) will start by reading the first paragraph. Everyone in the group will then share their first impression starting with the person to the left of the group leader. Everyone will write one of those quickthinks in the margin of the DBQ. (YOU CAN GET INTO GROUPS NOW)
二 Background Essay: Questions As a group, answer the background essay questions. Turn to page 391 again.
二 Background Essay: Questions Check your work: do your answers have this information? I will read the answers in the teacher’s guide out loud. Please put a checkmark next to the ones that you feel you “got right.” If you need to see the teacher’s guide, come see me later.
三 Understanding the Question (page 337) What is the analytical question asked by this mini-Q? What terms in the question need to be defined? Rewrite the question in your own words. see title page maybe required, maybe vote Should Americans have to vote? Should voting become a requirement for American citizens? Should we make people vote?
三 Pre-Bucketing – 3 Buckets (page 337) Should folks haveta vote? YES NO Reason #1 Reason #2 Reason #3
You may choose your own groups of Document number or letter ______ Title of Document (if present) Source (Where did the document come from?) 四 Document Analysis and Questions You may choose your own groups of three or four students. If you cannot choose groups within three minutes of this appearing on the screen, I will assign groups. Date of document Author of Document Primary Source Secondary Source Possible Author Bias / Point of View What important facts can I learn from this document? What inferences can I make from this document? How does this document help answer the question? Overall, what is the main idea of the document? Analytical category (bucket):
四 Document Analysis and Questions TIME’S UP! I WILL NOW SELECT Document number or letter ______ Title of Document (if present) Source (Where did the document come from?) Date of document Author of Document 四 Document Analysis and Questions TIME’S UP! I WILL NOW SELECT YOUR GROUPS (or not). Primary Source Secondary Source Possible Author Bias / Point of View What important facts can I learn from this document? What inferences can I make from this document? How does this document help answer the question? Overall, what is the main idea of the document? Analytical category (bucket):
四 Document Analysis and Questions In progress Document A has three ads (so you need 3 facts/observations and 3 inferences) Document B has one ad Document C has two ads Document D has two ads Document E has four ads Document F has two ads For each document, you must also answer the questions at the bottom of the page. I will help you with the first question.
ERROR END OF FILE If you have reached this slide, please decorate your DBQ folder. Every slide after this refers to another DBQ. The answers after this will be wrong for this DBQ. Don’t forget your home prep!
五 Bucketing – 5 Paragraphs Essay For Compulsory Voting (page 353) Reason#1 Many countries use it successfully A, C Reason#2 It improves the legitimacy of the government C Reason#3 It forces citizens to get educated F
五 Bucketing – 5 Paragraphs Essay Against Compulsory Voting (page 353) Reason#1 It doesn’t improve the democratic climate A,D Reason#2 Non-voters are uninformed B, G Reason#3 It requires a national database E
六 Thesis Development and Road Map (FOR) (page 353) many countries use compulsory voting successfully Americans should be required to vote because compulsory voting improves the legitimacy of the government compulsory voting forces citizens to get educated
六 Thesis Development and Road Map (AGAINST) (page 353) compulsory voting doesn’t improve the democratic climate Americans should not be required to vote because non-voters will be uninformed voters compulsory voting requires a national database
七 Essay Outline (page 355) Grabber: This essay is about voting. (don’t say nothing) What is something that is exciting about voting? Background (2 sentences): You can talk about voting rights in America. You can talk about compulsory voting in the world. Restating the question with key terms defined: Copy what you wrote for page 337, #3. Thesis and road map: Turn your chicken foot into a sentence.
七 Essay Outline (page 355) Baby Thesis: “The first reason Americans should / should not be required to vote is ________.” “The second reason…” “The third reason…” Evidence: Look at the last two questions on each document. Make sure you use document citations (Doc G)! Argument: Write your opinion about the evidence proves your baby thesis. “This proves that Americans should / should not be required to vote because ________.
七 Essay Outline (page 355) Conclusion: “Although” statement: Write one reason why the other point of view is right. If your essay is a NOT essay, write one good thing about compulsory voting. If your essay is a FOR essay, write one good argument against compulsory voting. Conclusion: convincing restatement of the main idea. “Compulsory voting is a good / bad idea for America because __CT1____, __CT2____, and __CT3____.” Baby Thesis 1. Baby Thesis 2, Baby Thesis 3. Clinch your argument by putting the reader into a world where compulsory voting has happened. Tell her/him something very good or very bad that can happen.
Show me your outline when you are finished. 七 Essay Outline (page 355) Show me your outline when you are finished. Once I have checked your outline, you may start writing.
八 Essay Writing Day – No Talking If you need assistance, raise your hand and wait for me to come to you. You may also come to the front table to scroll through this presentation for help on your outline. Good luck! ¡Buena suerte! がんばって!