National Electronic Balloting (NEB) ISOlutions National Electronic Balloting (NEB) ISOlutions
National eBalloting (NEB) Benefit: Simpler consensus building, better voting performance, increased efficiency The National eBalloting is a voting tool which manages two kind of national ballots: National Committee Internal Ballot (NCIB) Aim: Voting on national standards National Positioning Ballot (NPOS) Aim: Gaining national consensus before voting on an international or regional standard. It provides information about ISO and/or CEN ballots relevant to each national committee. ISOlutions
National Committee Internal Ballot (NCIB) Process Aim: Voting on national standards NATIONAL - NEB Secretary creates a NCIB Ballot Ballot status is pending – results not yet available Secretary closes the NCIB Ballot - Results available to audience National Secretary NCIB Ballot Opens Voting phase closes National experts cast votes National Experts (Voters) ISOlutions
NCIB – summary of key features Ballots created manually by Secretaries of national committees Create questionnaires with multiple questions and possible answers Upload documents for vote Define a pending phase before ballot closure Use pre-defined templates Automatic notifications sent to the ballot audience ISOlutions
Reaching national consensus without NEB INTERNATIONAL ISO ballot OPENS ISO balloter cast vote manually ISO ballot CLOSES ISO balloter gather national opinions and cast vote ISO Balloter (CIB, DIS, FDIS) NATIONAL The ISO Balloter emails the ballot information and documents to national secretaries and experts National opinions are sent back by email to the ISO balloter National Secretaries National Experts ISOlutions first meeting NB: Same is true for CEN ballots
National Positioning Ballot (NPOS) Process Aim: Gaining national consensus before voting on an international or regional standard. INTERNATIONAL ISO ballot OPENS NPOS Ballot is created ISO balloter cast vote manually ISO ballot CLOSES NPOS ISO ballot is created (copied) in NEB with questions and documents Translation through templates ISO Balloter (CIB, DIS, FDIS) NATIONAL (NEB) …and transmit decision to ISO balloter Secretary reviews votes & closes the Ballot Sec. reviews ballot details National Secretary NPOS Ballot OPENS Voting phase CLOSES National experts cast votes National Experts (voters) ISOlutions first meeting
NPOS – summary of key features Manually or automatically create new ballots Mapping between national and international/regional committees is set in the Global Directory Questions and possible answers and reference documents of source ballot are automatically copied Define a pending phase before ballot closure Use pre-defined ballot templates to translate international or regional English ballots into local language Automatic notifications sent to the ballot audience ISOlutions
Manual vs. automatic National Positioning The National Positioning Ballots is automatically created when a ballot opens for ISO/TC 34 The National Secretary must create the National Positioning Ballots manually ISOlutions
Balloting roles Surveyor: Read-only access but can see all votes on open and closed ballots Monitor: Read-only access. Can view all ballots but only view votes on closed ballots Voter (Balloter): Cast vote on open ballots Ballot Owner: Create and initiate the ballot ISOlutions
NEB – National configuration Some aspects of the system can be configured to meet your specific needs, for example: Time zone - Define local time zone for the display of the date. Pending Phase - Activate or inactivate the pending phase by default at the ballot (NCIB and NPOS) creation Close and open date delay - Define a default delay for the opening and closing date of NPOS (M&A) ballots in relation to the source ballot External sources - Define the types of ballots for which you wish to have NPOS ballots (ISO and/or CEN, COPAN, MERCOSUR or other regional bodies) Commenting template - Define your local commenting template for NCIB ballots (link to template) Translation of the NEB interface – Terms to be define with ISOCS