Newell School Board By: Joe J.
Members Donald Alexander- Chairman Kimberley Jackson- Vice Chairman Gary Nelson Jennifer Srstka Julie VanDerBoom Leanne Wells Todd Williamson
School Board Duties Advocating on behalf of all students Policy-Making Hiring & Evaluating the Superintendent Planning, Goal Setting and Evaluation Maintaining fiscal responsibiltiy Providing safe and secure school facilities Open, honest communication
How to Become a Member You must be at least 18 years old You must be a resident of the school district Eligible voter of the district or representative area Have a petition signed by 20 registered voters that vote in the school district Petition must be returned to the school district at least 39 days before the election Get elected
Why Should YOU run for School Board? According to the Assoc. School Boards of SD -...You and your fellow board members will shape the future of your community and society by establishing education goals that help students reach high levels of achievement. To share your time, talents, leadership and talent to benefit the education of the children. To build a bond between the Board and the community
When Meetings Are School Board meetings are: 2 nd Monday of every month At 7:30 P.M. Newell High School Ag-Science Building Committee meetings are scheduled on an as needed basis
Committees Budget and Negotiations- develop the next school year budget, work agreement and contract negotiations Policy- review policies, make recommendations for changes, create new policies Buildings and Grounds- Continue the design build process, work with contractors District leadership- consists of one board member, Superintendent, Principal, SPED Director, Activities Director, 3 Teacher Leaders, and 3 Parents, Review and discuss different aspects of the school system and how we can improve
Interview I recently interview Newell School Board member Kimberley Jackson. Q. Why did you run for school board? A. “Everyone has a civic duty to be active in their community, and their children's education. This is my way of fulfilling that obligation.” Q. What do you personally believe is the role of the school board member? A. “Use the opinions of those who elected you to guide the school administration.” Q. What is the toughest thing about being on the school board? A. “Feeling the responsibility of the education of over a hundred children.”
Citations "Publications & Forms | Associated School Boards of South Dakota." Associated School Boards of South Dakota. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Jan Interview with Kimberley Jackson 1/20/2014 Mr. Scruff. "Kalimba." N.d. CD.