Dutchess County’s Dutchess County’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Enterprise Content Management (ECM) … Transforming County Operations Marcus J. Molinaro County Executive Timothy E. Mahler Commissioner of OCIS
What Does ECM Mean? Enterprise Content Management (ECM) are the strategies and tools used to organize, manage, store and share an organization's documents and manage related processes.
What Does ECM Mean? Document Scanning/Imaging is just one component of an ECM system implementation.
What Will ECM Mean … to the County? A dvanced Computer System to manage, share and preserve County documents Will Speed County Processes & Services Address Full Records Center Increase Public Access to Documents Archiving of Historical Documents Expand “Green” Initiatives Huge Staff Productivity Gains & Savings …. A Game Changer …. A Game Changer
Why is ECM Critical Why is ECM Critical For the County? For the County?
County Staff Reductions County Staff Reductions … Productivity Tools Like ECM Are Critical (15%) Employees
Why ECM is so Critical for Staff Efficiencies and Productivity 70% of Government Workers time is spent managing information (2010 Public Sector Tech) Consider: So it’s critical that the County invest in productivity tools
Key ECM Projects … Over first 18 Months HR/FMSRecords LegislativeRecords CountyBids Productivity RecordsCenter County Contracts HistoricalDocuments Accessibility Permits & Inspections Policies & Procedures Public Access
County Contracts Example of What ECM Will Do for the County Contract Request Insurance Certificate Contract Draft(s) Correspondences Final Contract (MS Word) Contract Notes ECM DOCUMENTS Department enters a Request and includes vendor’s Insurance Certificate Scanned Signed Contract Future Contract Changes Department County Attorney Risk Management County Executive Vendor Comptroller Notified County Attorney and Risk Management are automatically notified thru ECMOnce Contract terms are agreed to – ECM s contract to vendor for signatureDepartment Receives Signed Printed Contract from Vendor Via MailContracts are SignedCounty Attorney scans Signed Contract – All Notified by ECMThe ECM s a scanned Executed Contract to the Vendor – Completes ProcessCounty Attorney creates Draft Contract with input from Department Process WorkflowECM Contract Documents are Available for Future Reference Contracts integrated with Financial Management System Comptroller has access to Contracts during AP Processing Alerts sent before a Contract or Insurance Cert. expires All appropriate Staff have on-line access to Contracts Departments no longer need to store hard copies This is just one example of improvements to so many County processes and services
Key ECM Projects … Over first 18 Months Productivity County Contracts HR/FMSRecords Permits & Inspections LegislativeRecordsHistoricalDocuments Accessibility Policies & Procedures RecordsCenter CountyBids Public Access
Records Center Study Improvements and Cost Avoidance Improvements and Cost Avoidance Records Center has 44,000 Boxes 95% of Space is Filled Although $750,000 was spent in 2006 for Rolling Shelves to Expand Storage Space Need Computerization and Procedures to: Eliminate Paper Records Going into the Center Reduce current Paper Records in the Center Provide Improved Access to Records Avoid Capital Cost to Expand the Center
Historical Records Historical Records … Preserving County Archives … Preserving County Archives
Current storage arrangements for historical records at the Washington Street Facility
Supreme Court Orders and Decrees, showing deterioration of binding under paper covers
Tax Assessment Books showing crumbling and molding covers Left from the 1940s, above from the 1950s
Assessment Roll showing spread of mold on cover
Boards of Supervisors Proceedings, Note proximity to concrete floor, re- binding of older records ( ) and paper covers over younger records ( ).
Ink burn to page in 1722 Board of Supervisors Proceedings
1722 Board of Supervisors Proceedings Book showing broken binding and acid-damaged page
1838 Board of Supervisors Proceedings Book, showing deteriorating cover
Voter Registration Books, 20 th Century
Historical Records … Preserving County Archives … Preserving County Archives The ECM System will be used to preserve the County’s History and provide Public Access It’s critical that Historical Docs are digitized before they decay further The Digital documents will be used for Public Access; this keeping the original documents safe from further damage by handling Grant Opportunities being pursued by the Historian to Digitize Documents and Conserve the Originals
Some Examples of the Positive impact of ECM New On-line services to speed processes for businesses, municipalities and the public Highway Work Permits Road and Bridge Images to facilitate development DPW Bids (on-line plans and bid documents) Health - SAN 34/36 Residential Sewage Disposal Forms Health - SAN 15 Sewage As-built Drawings Health Permits (restaurants, pools and day camps)
Some Examples of the Positive impact of ECM More On-line Information and Documents Available to the Public and/or Municipalities Searchable Docs (e.g. Legislative agendas and minutes) Historical Documents available to the Public County Bid Results and County Contract Information DPW Project Information and Status (future) HR Documents on-line for Depts. and Municipalities Possible Future Shared Service for Municipalities
CostAnalysis Large ROI
$960,000 Capital Project Costs that include: Software Licenses Implementation/Training/Pilot Projects/Some Back Scanning Hardware (Servers, Scanning Stations, etc.) Records Center Study Bond Costs (est. 1% interest) $75,000 Annual Operating Costs (5 Year Average) ECM Project Investment $1,365,000 Projected 5 Year Cost (Capital + Operating)
$1.365M 5-Year Projected Costs 500 Staff Assumed (Although expect 800 users) 5% Average Productivity Gain of Involved Staff (Represents 25 FTEs)… will likely be greater 10% Reduction in Copier Costs, Paper and Supplies Assumes No Savings During First 18 Months While Pilot Projects are Implemented Return on Investment (ROI) … Factors and Assumptions
$1,365, Year Projected Costs Savings and Avoidance (Conservative Est.) $6,910, Year Staff Time Savings (3.5 year actual) $180,000 - Copier Costs, Paper, Supplies (10%) $100,000 – Additional Records Center Shelving 5.3 Million Reduction in Printed Pages (10%) Payback on Investment $5.31 Saved for every Dollar Spent $5.31 Saved for every Dollar Spent Payback Conservatively within 2.0 Years Return on Investment (ROI) … Plus Huge Non-Monetary Benefits ROI even excludes $1,100,000 Cost Avoidance - For Records Center Expansion -. If 5,000 Sq Ft were added --- Representing 33% increase in size. Above figure is approximate; would need further study
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Return on Investment (ROI) Also Consider…. $6.12 Return Per Dollar Spent is an ECM Industry Average (2012 Nucleus Research – Based on analysis of 37 case studies) The 5-Year Salary/Benefit Costs for 500 Staff using ECM will be $198+ Million. The ROI includes 5% of this % Productivity Gain is typical for staff activities related to ECM functions (2009 Doculabs) Didn’t Even Factor in Public Benefits, Historical Archive Improvements, etc..
Return on Investment (ROI) 5-Year Analysis 5-Year Analysis