What are the reasons that the writer gives as to why many people especially in the Middle East hate us? How did this boy’s village change after US involvement? Why? What are the reasons that people admire us (even the ones that hate us?) Give an example.
Remember how the boy’s town changed? Why did this change a happen? Who was responsible? This is a good example of how the United States would support regimes to get what they wanted.
The United States supported a strict unpopular Sha in 1953 helping overthrow the most democratic government it had ever known. He was widely unpopular and very strict. In 1979, he was overthrown with another very strict regime. This one however was very anti-American.
Let’s take our country back: nov iran-hostage-crisis nov iran-hostage-crisis Why did they do this?
Today, Iran is openly developing Nuclear power, they say for peaceful purposes. Others seem to think otherwise. pumps-anti-us-propaganda pumps-anti-us-propaganda What does Israel have to do with this? What do you think?