The food is very appetizing. It looks like everything you’d hate! So enjoy everything you hate in one dish! Have you triedNun’s Cake ? I betyou’ll become illfor a week orregurgitate! GoodLuck with eatingall that junk!
The Figure shows women preparing a meal near the oven.
- Nutmeg - Herbs - Maple syrup - Cream - Sugar - Eggs - (Sometimes) Milk - Butter - Salt -Pepper
Breakfast was taken early if you were poor, but if your were rich, you’d have it later on in the day. Breakfast consisted of cider or beer, and a bowl of porridge. Cornmeal mush and molasses were also eaten, but if you were poor, you would eat cold turkey and drink a beverage. Coffee, tea or chocolate, wafers, muffins, toasts, and a butter dish were also considered as breakfast. As years passed, bread, cold meats, fruit pies, pasties, cornmeal, headcheese, and dutch sweetcakes were eaten.
Dessert, as you already know, is the second course of the meal. It consists of fresh, cooked, or dried fruits, custards, tarts and sweetmeats. Salads, called “Sallats” back then, was also served. The cakes they served were pound, gingerbread, spice, and cheese. The settlers had many varieties to chose from, just like today.
Supper is the evening meal that consists of leftovers from dinner, or gruel (made from boiling water with oats and cornmeal, and some other ingredient). Roast potatoes with salt (instead of butter), ale, cider, and beer were part of the meal, too. Another beverage that they enjoyed was black tea. In richer merchant societies and Southern plantation life, foods like eggs and egg dishes were prepared as side dishes.
There were many ways to preserve food. Many people had cellars under their homes to store food. Food was kept cool, and was protected. Another method, taught by Native Americans, was to make pemmican by drying venison in the sun, pounding it to shreds, and mixing it with fat, bone marrow and wild berries. Pickling was another method which made corn into corn relish, cucumbers into pickles, and many other foods were packed into a brine made of vinegar and salt. Honey added to vinegar, and salting meat and fish are other examples.
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- fritter.jpg _TH2901C39A.jpg syrup.jpg/220px-Maple_syrup.jpg fritter.jpg 9020_TH2901C39A.jpghttp:// syrup.jpg/220px-Maple_syrup.jpg