Sport The fight against homophobia the EU Dimension and the role of sport Bart Ooijen Sport Unit DG Education and Culture European Commission Utrecht, Netherlands 12 October 2012
Sport The principle of equal treatment is a fundamental value for the European Union, which is going to great lengths to combat homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation Article 19 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Lisbon Treaty) allows taking appropriate action to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation
Sport How far have we come today in 2012? Europe with growing nationalism, xenophobia and intolerance. What does this mean for LGTBI people? - Pride festivals are being disrupted lesbian, gay and transgender people are falling victim to hate crime. -People are discriminated against and are victims of other forms of intolerance. -there are still several Member States that don’t acknowledge same sex marriages.
Sport It's getting better -European Union membership has contributed to improving the situation for LGBTI people around Europe - The Copenhagen criteria require applicant countries to pay full respect to human rights: all candidate countries and states applying for membership have abolished legislation banning homosexuality. - positive developments in the Balkans.
Sport It's getting better -the Employment Equality Directive adopted in 2000 prohibits discrimination in the workplace. -EU completes the legal Framework Decision against discrimination. (discrimination is crime) -cooperation with Member States on public policies combating discrimination and promoting equality through an exchange of good practices and seminars on mainstreaming LGBTI dimensions in different areas.
Sport What more needs to be done? Fundamental Rights Agency conduct a survey on the discrimination, hate speech and hate crime against LGBTI people in all EU Member States. Does the EU needs a comprehensive strategy to be able to really address the problems and improve the situation.
Sport What role SPORT can play?
Sport What role SPORT can play?
Sport What role SPORT can play? New UK charter tackles homophobia in sport 2011
Sport Premier league clubs refused to campaign " We need some role models in this country if we want more people to come out, but there are none. The only openly gay footballers, someone like my uncle who has passed away. It is still a harsh reality for the next person coming out knowing that my uncle committed
Sport What role SPORT can play? German gay footballers get support of Angela Merkel
Sport What role European SPORT can play? UEFA fines Antonio Cassano €15,000 for ‘Homophobic Slur’ used At EURO 2012 Press Conference 23 out- Olympic athlete competing in the 2012 Summer Olympics ENGSO Youth Sport speaks out on TabooPhobia - Developing a youth led campaign to challenge homophobia in and through sport
Sport Is there an added value for the Europe Union to play a role in this field of sport?
Sport Article 165 TFEU (Lisbon treaty ) Promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of: the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity its social and educational function. Principle of subsidiarity Developing the European dimension in sport, by promoting: fairness and openness in sporting competitions cooperation between bodies responsible for sports, And by protecting the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest sportsmen and sportswomen.
Sport White Paper on Sport/Communication Using the potential of sport for social inclusion, integration and equal opportunities Sport as a tool of social cohesion – fight against exclusion, empowering individuals, combating all forms of discrimination including homophobia
Sport What role EU SPORT can play? Fight against homophobia in sport: - spectators of professional team sports - exchange of good practices on professional and grassroots sports - make framework decision discrimination applicable for sport legislation Use sport as a tool because of its popularity and media coverage to change attitude in society
Sport Conclusions Non-discriminatory laws, code of conducts, charters, seminars, a vigilant civil society are no guarantee for success for an inclusive society. Sport governing bodies could contribute to this process if it will take the fight against homophobia seriously To really change and influence people's attitudes and feelings in a dynamic European Union remains a challenge, long term substantial and tailor made projects are necessary and sport can be part of this. You will find the EU on your side, where possible!
Sport Thank you for your attention ! 19