Remember to draw a line under Journal entry #3 and label today’s entry as “Journal entry 4”: Anne’s father tells her to remember, “There are no walls; there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.” Respond to this quote… Do you agree with Mr. Frank’s statement? Do you disagree? WHY?
conspicuous adj.: noticeable. The Nazis required all Jews to wear a conspicuous yellow Star of David on their clothing. unabashed adj.: unembarrassed. Anne’s unabashed comments sometimes embarrassed her mother. loathe v.: hate. Anne loathed having her mother treat her like a baby. indignantly adv.: with anger caused by something felt to be unjust. Anne indignantly claimed she had not been rude. fortify v.: strengthen. Mr. Dussel took pills to fortify himself. zeal n.: great enthusiasm; devotion to a cause. The Maccabees showed great zeal in their fight against tyranny. tyranny n.: cruel and unjust use of power. The Maccabees’ fight against tyranny and oppression two thousand years ago still inspires people today.
gingerly adv.: cautiously. Peter held Anne’s gift gingerly, afraid it might jump out and hit him. ostentatiously adv.: in a showy way. Peter held his coat ostentatiously to pretend he was hiding his cat there. appalled v. used as adj.: horrified. Dussel’s alarming news was met with a moment of appalled silence. disgruntled v. used as adj.: displeased; annoyed. Mr. Dussel, disgruntled, listened to the conversation. inarticulate adj.: unable to speak. Peter was so furious at Dussel that he became inarticulate. forlorn adj.: abandoned and lonely. Dussel felt forlorn when Peter and Anne both closed their doors on him. animation n.: liveliness. Anne’s animation could both delight and annoy her family. remorse n.: deep feeling of guilt. Mrs. Frank felt remorse for her angry outburst.
Kagan o I/O Circle o Mix-Pair-Share Multiple Intelligence Activities o Cardstock Activity (Picture Activity) o MI Body Smart Activity o Picture/Word Smart Activity
Line 1 - your first name Line 2 - "It means" then 3 adjectives that describe you Line 3 - "It is the number" then any number you choose Line 4 - "It is like" describe a color but don't name it Line 5 - "It is " and name something you remember experiencing with family or friends that makes you smile to recall Line 6 - "It is the memory of" and name a person who is or has been significant to you Line 7 - "Who taught me" 2 abstract concepts (such as "honesty") Line 8 - "When he/she" then refer to something that person did that displayed the qualities in line 7 Line 9 - "My name is" your first name Line 10 - "It means" and in 1-2 brief sentences state something important you believe about life.
Amber, It means dedicated, caring, & fun, It is 2012, It is like the ripest blueberry, It is rolling down the hill at my grandma’s house, It is the memory of my dad, Who taught me love and humor, When he played “Tiger” during halftime while watching football, My name is Amber, It means having a good time while taking on responsibilities.
Complete the character name poem and create a name poem using your own name.
1. Take out your name poems from homework. 2. Journal entry 5: o At the end of Act 1, Scene 4, Anne describes the first thing each of the people in the secret annex would like to do after getting out of the hidden quarters. If you were free after many months of hiding, what would be the first thing you would like to do? WHY?
Kagan o I/O Circle o Mix-Pair-Share Multiple Intelligence Activities o Cardstock Activity (Picture Activity) o MI Body Smart Activity o Picture/Word Smart Activity
1. Anne is a dynamic character; that is, she changes in the course of the play. How does she hurt her mother in Scene 4? How do her gifts to her mother and Peter show that she has changed? 2. Many events in our lives involve rituals: birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Christmas, Hanukkah. When we take part in those rituals, we remember the past and look to the future. How does the Hanukkah celebration contrast with the harsh reality outside the hiding place? What is the mood of this Hanukkah scene?
3. The events that take place in Scene 4 reveal tensions between Anne and two other members of the household. What tensions does the scene reveal? 4. Describe how the Hanukkah celebration in Scene 5 is interrupted. What does Peter do that makes matters worse? According to Dussel, how will this incident lead to the household’s discovery by the police?
Study your vocabulary terms for test Friday. (only 1-10 from The Diary…) Answer questions 1-4 from page 410. (review of Act I, Scenes 4 & 5)
Journal entry 6: Prepare a holiday gift list for your family as Anne did. Include only items that cost no money. Select 2 family members and 1 gift you would give them. Write an explanation of why each gift is just right for the person receiving it.
Write the letter of the correct definition/synonym for each of the following terms: ____ 1. conspicuous A. anger ____ 2. unabashed B. enthusiasm ____ 3. loathe C. hate ____ 4. fortify D. in a showy way ____ 5. gingerly E. horrified ____ 6. ostentatiously F. strengthen ____ 7. appalled G. cautiously ____ 8. indignantlyH. displeased; annoyed ____ 9. inarticulate I. unembarrassed ____ 10. zealJ. noticeable