What is a Digital Footprint? It is everything on the Internet that is about you! Personal Profiles Anything you’ve written Anything written about you Photos Videos I’m 5’8, and Sexy! I’m in HS band I Like to party! I’m single!
What is a Digital Footprint? It is everything on the Internet that is about you! Personal Profiles Anything you’ve written Anything written about you Photos Videos Jose is so HOT! I HATE that girl!
What is a Digital Footprint? It is everything on the Internet that is about you! Personal Profiles Anything you’ve written Anything written about you Photos Videos
What is a Digital Footprint? It is everything on the Internet that is about you! Personal Profiles Anything you’ve written Anything written about you Photos Videos Click after video Click for video
So what is YOUR digital Footprint? First check what others can see about you Search for your name using a search engine and see what information already exists about you. Repeat the search regularly using services such as Google Alerts which give automatic updates. Although you may not have added anything new, your friends and family might have. What can other see? Search for Info Repeat search Regularly Caution family/friends about posting
Did you know? COLLEGES and EMPLOYERS regularly check social media sites on new applicants. 70 % of recruiters reject applicants based on social media search. In extreme cases, social media content has been used in court as evidence!
Let’s check out some videos: “Will Your Digital Footprint affect Your Future” (Click to view) “Will Your Digital Footprint affect Your Future” (Click to view) “Overexposed, Job Interview” (Click to View)
Your Digital Footprint CAN be positive! Here’s how… Display solid communication skills Make your profile fit your personality Display Creativity Post awards, accolades and good references Make your Profile Support your qualifications Make your Profile Support your qualifications
SOURCES: Will Your Digital Footprint Cost You a Job and College Admission? Digital footprint How Will You Express Yourself Overexposed, Job Interview %20job%20interview.mpg?m Will Your Digital Footprint Affect Your Future Is Your Digital Footprint Squashing Your Reputation? reputation.html Created by Pam McClintock, 2013