Dr. William McCarthy History Librarian: Kristin Andrews
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Working from a known citation Heider, Carmen. “Farm Women, Solidarity and the Suffrage Messenger: Nebraska Suffrage Activism on the Plains, " Great Plains Quarterly 32, no. 2 (Spring 2012): Look in the UNCW catalog for book OR journal title (in this case “Great Plains Quarterly”). If we have the journal, check available dates for print & online formats If we don’t have access, request via Interlibrary LoanInterlibrary Loan
Finding Books Library Catalog WorldCat Local 9,000 libraries / ~1.2 billion items Google Books (public domain books are available in full text.) Google Books
Keyword vs. Subject in action Do a keyword search in the UNCW library catalog or the search box on the library home page.UNCW library catalog When you find a title that is useful for your topic, look at the subject headings listed in the record. Click on useful subject headings to lead you to other more books on that topic.
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Interlibrary Loan First time: go to the ILL page and fill out the form under “First Time Users”ILL page Username – UNCW domain name Password – UNCW password When you click “Request from Interlibrary Loan” in WorldCat Local or an article database, you can log in and it will fill out the request for you. Allow a few days for articles & a week or so for book requests. You’ll get an when it arrives.
Primary Sources Diaries, journals, other writings of “players” Eyewitness/observer accounts Memoirs, autobiographies (written later) Government & other official documents Laws, treaties, reports, orders, transcripts of proceedings, addresses, congressional hearings, census records, etc. Cartoons and Advertisements (of the time) Photographs and images Movies! Interviews
Randall Catalog & WorldCat Subject Subheadings Correspondence Diaries Interviews Personal narratives Sources Catalogs Manuscripts Pictorial Works Portraits Speeches Notebooks/Sketch- books Archives Cartoons Descriptions Description and travel
Periodicals and Newspapers New York Times Archive Times Digital Archive Readers’ Guide Retrospective Newspapers on microfilm, e.g. Wilmington Morning Star
Digital Collections Many out there. Some examples: UNC – Documenting the American SouthDocumenting the American South American Memory (from Library of Congress) American Memory DPLA (Digital Public Library of America) DPLA
Official Documents - Legal Lexis Nexis Academic Hein Online
Bibliographies—Follow the trail Book-length (Reference Collection) Secondary sources (books and journal articles) Types Classified (easiest to find primary sources) Alphabetical Footnotes/Endnotes What can you find?
Government & Legal Documents Fdsys – Federal Digital System Fdsys America’s Authentic Government Information FedStats Statistics from more than 100 agencies and sub-agencies of federal and states government HeinOnline Congressional documents, court cases, etc. Congress.gov Congressional Documents Lexis Nexis Academic Legal Search
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