Why do so many people argue over prophecy? The bible can be pretty vague at times. 2. Some people have their own agenda. 3. Some let world events interpret the bible 4. Personality biases – optimist-pessimist 5. Prophecy requires the most extensive study 6. There are different approaches in interpretation. Important Point It’s ok to disagree over prophecy. Never fight over it.!!!
FOUR PRIMARY VIEWS OF REVELATION IDEALIST The Idealist believes simply that Revelation does not refer to any historical or future event at all; rather it is a timeless allegory of the conflict between good and evil. It is a description of the spiritual principles of God that equip one for spiritual battles, which constantly confront the Church. (This a small minority view)
Two kinds: Partial and full Preterist Fulfilled by 200 ad Year 2003 The Preterist view derives its name from the Latin word praeter meaning "past". The full preterist relates all of Revelation to the events in the first century, with Rome and its early emperors. The partial preterist does the same thing but allows the very end of revelation to be future. (This view is gaining great popularity today)
HISTORICIST Revelation is a panorama of world events leading to the return of Christ 2003 100 ad The Historicist view of Revelation attempts to map the events described in the book to historical events, providing a panorama of the history of the Church from the days of John to the end of time. (This view is popular to the Roman Catholic Church and many Amillennialists)
FUTURIST Sometime in the future 100ad –2003ad Futurists interpret Revelation as events yet to come because none of the prophecies of Revelation have been literally fulfilled. (This view is popular among evangelicals, but is losing ground due to sensationalism, and the entering of a new millennium.)
The tribulation period 2. The Millennium I hold to the “Futurist” view. Therefore I will be teaching the futurist model. Remember, what you believe about prophecy doesn’t save you. However, within the futurist interpretation of prophecy there are important essentials that must be addressed: The tribulation period 2. The Millennium 3. The New Jerusalem 4. The New earth 5. The Lake of Fire
If prophecy isn’t essential, why study it? PREGUNTA If prophecy isn’t essential, why study it? 1. Prophecy makes up one fourth of the bible 2. Prophecy exalts God Is. 41:26 3. Prophecy proves the authority of scripture 4. Prophecy explains the meaning of history 5. Prophecy study guards us from cultism 6. Prophecy motivates us to godliness 7. Prophecy reveals the plans, purposes, the holy character and power of God 8. It ties our hope to the person of Christ.
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO INTERPRET PROPHECY? There are two primary methods: The literal approach It grounds interpretation in fact. (History, grammar, geography, archaeology, culture, etc.) The “Then and There” are made distinct from the “Now and Here” It protects the church from rogue eisegesis Fulfilled prophecy was fulfilled literally
2. The allegorical or spiritualizing method The bible does have allegory It did not begin until the fourth century It was the predominant hermeneutics until after the reformation It tries to harmonize the scriptures to history,and early teachings and traditions of the early church. (1 Ki 2:19 KJV) Bathsheba therefore went unto king Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself unto her, and sat down on his throne, and caused a seat to be set for the king's mother; and she sat on his right hand. (Mary reigning with Christ)
PREGUNTAS What do you think would be some of the pros and cons of the “Literal Method” of interpretation? What do you think would be some of the pros and cons of the “Allegorical Method of interpretation”?
WHAT WE DON’T WANT TO DO! Put God in a Box No man has a perfect handle on prophecy. Every point of view has its complications, but God is bigger than any system in which we place Him!!!
PRE-MILLENIALISM A literal approach to scripture These two schools of interpretation have produced the following end-time views: PRE-MILLENIALISM A literal approach to scripture First Coming Of Christ Second Coming of Christ Church age Tribulation Millennium Eternity 7 years 2000 years 31/2 31/2 1000 years New Earth Central tenet – Literal 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth. This model was the primary position of the church for the first three centuries.
Some Important Doctrines contained in Pre-millennialism Daniel’s 70th week The 1000 year reign of Christ on earth The rise of Anti-Christ The salvation and restoration of Israel The world-wide apostacy The mark of the beast “666” The whore of Babylon The 144,000 The rapture of the church
WHERE IS THE RAPTURE IN THE BIBLE? THE WORD “RAPTURE” ISN’T FOUND IN THE BIBLE The bible word for rapture is “caught up” which is found in I Thess. 4: 16. harpazo - Gr. har-pad'-zo “to catch up , to take by force , to catch away , to pluck , to seize, to carry off by force catch, to seize on, to claim for one's self eagerly, to snatch out or away
and the dead in Christ shall rise first For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: COME UP HERE! and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air…I Thess 4:16,17
Some people get bored with this stuff. They call themselves Pan-tribulationists and Pan-Millennialists It all will “Pan Out”. Pregunta Is this a healthy approach or a lazy approach?
He commanded us to “WATCH, BE READY, TO PRAY, AND TO BE WISE” RECUERDE!!! Regardless if you are Pre-trib, Mid-trib, Prewrath-trib, Post-trib, Pan-trib, Pre-mill, A-mill,- Post-mill, or Pan-mill; JESUS IS RETURNING!!! He commanded us to “WATCH, BE READY, TO PRAY, AND TO BE WISE” Don’t be caught dead without Jesus, and don’t be caught sleeping when you should be alert
This should prompt us to: Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked , and they see his shame. Rev. 16:15 This should prompt us to: 1. Want to know more. 2. To watch and pray 3. To please God 4. To encourage others
LET’S WRAP IT ALL UP *There has always been disagreement in the church concerning prophecy *God’s plan is centered on Christ’s return *Fulfilled prophecy demonstrates credibility of scripture and gives us confidence for the unfulfilled *Godly men can interpret prophecy differently *No study of prophecy is good if it doesn’t encourage us to “watch, pray, and be wise”.