3 Nephi 24-30. Prophecy Fulfilled 300 400 500 100 200 Names 300 400 500 100 200 The Twelve 300 400 500 100 200 Apostles 300 400 500 100 200 Malachi 300.


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Presentation transcript:

3 Nephi 24-30

Prophecy Fulfilled Names The Twelve Apostles Malachi Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

How does a man “rob” God? (3 Nephi 24:8-10) Malachi 100

In tithes and offerings.

Malachi 200 Which verses towards the beginning of 3 Nephi 24 cause some people to call tithing “fire insurance”?

Malachi 200 Verses 2-3

Malachi 300 Who’s coming was foretold in 3 Nephi 25?

Malachi 300 Elijah

Malachi 400 What Priesthood Keys was Elijah going to restore to the earth when he came again? (Hint: 3 Nephi 24:1)

Malachi 400 Sealing Keys

Malachi 500 According to 3 Nephi 25, what will Elijah’s coming turn?

Malachi 500 The hearts of the fathers to the children and vice versa.

Prophecy Fulfilled 100 To whom did Elijah appear in order fulfill the prophecy in 3 Nephi 25:5-6?

Prophecy Fulfilled 100 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery

Prophecy Fulfilled 200 Where did Elijah appear to fulfill the prophecy in 3 Nephi 25:5-6?

Prophecy Fulfilled 200 The Kirtland Temple

Prophecy Fulfilled 300 What date did Elijah come again to fulfill the prophecy in 3 Nephi 25:5-6?

Prophecy Fulfilled 300 April 3, 1836

Prophecy Fulfilled 400 Where (in the Doctrine & Covenants) do we read about the fulfillment of the prophecy regarding Elijah’s return in 3 Nephi 25:5-6?

Prophecy Fulfilled 400 D&C 110:13-16

Prophecy Fulfilled 500 What holiday was being celebrated on the day Elijah returned to the earth? (Hint: D&C 110)

Prophecy Fulfilled 500 Passover

Names 100 What question did the Nephite Twelve have in the beginning of 3 Nephi 27?

Names 100 What they should call the church.

Names 200 What does Christ say His church should be called? (3 Nephi 27:8)

Names 200 The church should be called in His name... The Church of Christ.

Names 300 Based on 3 Nephi 27:8, why isn’t our church today simply called “The Church of Christ”?

Names 300 To distinguish between the “latter-day” church and the ancient church of Christ.

Names 400 According to 3 Nephi 27:14, why was Jesus crucified?

Names 400 “To draw all men unto me”

Names 500 What are the names of the Nephite Twelve? (3 Nephi 19:4)

Names 500 Nephi, Timothy, Jonas, Mathoni, Mathonihah, Kumen, Kumenonhi, Jeremiah, Shemnon, Jonas, Zedekiah and Isaiah

The Twelve 100 What was the “wish” of 9 of the 12 Nephite Apostles? (3 Nephi 28:1-3)

The Twelve 100 After they had lived “to the age of a man” they could go to heaven.

The Twelve 200 What “wish” did three of the Nephites have of Jesus? (3 Nephi 28:4-10)

The Twelve 200 “Live to behold all the doings of the Father”.

The Twelve 300 How are the three Nephites different than us? (3 Nephi 28:9)

The Twelve 300 They have no pain and no sorrow (except for the sins of the world).

The Twelve 400 What do we call the change that happened to the three Nephites?

The Twelve 400 Translation

The Twelve 500 True of False: There are three righteous men who have been on the earth for over 2000 years?

The Twelve 500 False.There are 4 (Three Nephites and John the Beloved)

Apostles 100 Which current Apostle’s father died when he was only 7 years old?

Apostles 100 Dallin H. Oaks

Apostles 200 Which Apostle was not born in the United States?

Apostles 200 Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Apostles 300 Who is the newest member of the current Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?

Apostles 300 Neil L. Andersen

Apostles 400 Which current apostles were raised in Cache Valley?

Apostles 400 L. Tom Perry Neal L. Anderson Quentin L. Cook

Apostles 500 Which current apostle was a heart surgeon?

Apostles 500 Russell M. Nelson

Final Jeopardy “T” Words

Final Jeopardy What’s the difference between “Transfigured” and “Translated”

Final Answer Transfiguration “The condition of persons who are temporarily changed in appearance and nature that they can endure the presence and glory of heavenly beings.” (Guide to the Scriptures, lds.org) Translated beings “Persons who are changed so that they do not experience pain or death until their resurrection.” (Guide to the Scriptures, lds.org)

Bonus Round “T” People

Bonus Question 100 points per every person you can name (by name) who, according to Prophets and the Scriptures, was either translated or transfigured.

Bonus Question Answer Transfiguration: Moses (see Moses 1:9–11) Jesus Christ (see Matthew 17:1–8) Peter, James, and John (see Matthew 17:1–8) Joseph Smith (see Joseph Smith—History 1:14–20) Translated beings: Enoch (see Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5) Moses (see Alma 45:19) Elijah (see 2 Kings 2:11) John the Beloved (see John 21:22–23; D&C 7)

3 Nephi 30:2


3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true)

3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true) Secret abominations (private actions that are sinful or offensive to God)

3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true) Secret abominations (private actions that are sinful or offensive to God) Idolatries (giving priority to the things of the world over the things of God)

3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true) Secret abominations (private actions that are sinful or offensive to God) Idolatries (giving priority to the things of the world over the things of God) Priestcrafts (participating in religious activities to glorify oneself rather than to serve God and others)

3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true) Secret abominations (private actions that are sinful or offensive to God) Idolatries (giving priority to the things of the world over the things of God) Priestcrafts (participating in religious activities to glorify oneself rather than to serve God and others) Envyings (being jealous or resentful of what someone else has)

3 Nephi 30:2 “EVIL DOINGS” MENTIONED IN 3 NEPHI 30:2 I DO THIS OFTEN I NEVER DO THIS Lying and deceiving (leading someone to believe something that is not true) Secret abominations (private actions that are sinful or offensive to God) Idolatries (giving priority to the things of the world over the things of God) Priestcrafts (participating in religious activities to glorify oneself rather than to serve God and others) Envyings (being jealous or resentful of what someone else has) Strifes (contention, fighting, or quarreling)

3 Nephi What did you enjoy most in 3 Nephi? What part of the Savior’s teachings most impressed you?