Introduction The Old Testament and the Spirit of promise John the Baptist Jesus
INTRODUCTION Luke 24:49 Acts 1:4 Acts 2:16 Acts 2:33 Gal 3:14 Eph 1:13
THE OLD TESTAMENT Numbers 11:10-30 –The setting –Verses 17, 25 –The recipients prophesied –Eldad and Medad (vv. 26, 29)
THE OLD TESTAMENT 1 Samuel 10: 6-13 –The setting –Saul’s prophesying –The work of the Spirit upon Saul Ezekiel 36:22-32 –The setting –“I will put my Spirit in you”
THE OLD TESTAMENT Ezekiel 37:11-14 –The setting –“I will put my Spirit in you”
THE OLD TESTAMENT Joel 2:28-29 –Dating of the book of Joel –Outline of the book –Verses Section of the book “and afterward” “I will pour out my Spirit” “on all people” The removal of class distinctions The ministries of the Spirit
THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE Introduction The Old Testament and the Spirit of promise John the Baptist Jesus
JOHN THE BAPTIST Prophecy of a unique ministry Jesus’ use of John’s prophecy
UNIQUE MINISTRY Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16; John 1:33 What is John saying? –Not just an OT prophet –Jesus was deity –New relationship with the Holy Spirit –The setting...
UNIQUE MINISTRY “and fire”—Matthew and Luke –One baptism—judgment –Two baptisms—one for believers, the other for unbelievers –One baptism with two elements, both working at the same time –One baptism with two elements, separated in time
UNIQUE MINISTRY John 1:29-34 –John affirms his ministry focus –John testifies to Jesus’ unique baptism –John notes that he had prior notice about Jesus’ baptism
JOHN THE BAPTIST Prophecy of a unique ministry Jesus’ use of John’s prophecy
JESUS’ USE OF JOHN’S PROPHECY Acts 1:5 –Ministry during the forty days –Use of the Baptist’s prophecy –Fulfillment of the Baptist’s prophecy— Pentecost
THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE Introduction The Old Testament and the Spirit of promise John the Baptist Jesus
JESUS The Spirit-filled man par excellance The Master Teacher about the Spirit
SPIRIT-FILLED MAN The anointed one The virgin birth The descent of the Spirit The leading of the Spirit Ministry in the Spirit
THE ANOINTED ONE The word is chrio Luke 4:18-19 Acts 4:27 Acts 10:37-38 Hebrews 1:8-9
SPIRIT-FILLED MAN The anointed one The virgin birth The descent of the Spirit The leading of the Spirit Ministry in the Spirit
THE VIRGIN BIRTH Luke 1:35 Miraculous nature of Jesus’ birth The agent was the Holy Spirit The result—the child, the holy one, the Son of God Horton’s understanding...
SPIRIT-FILLED MAN The anointed one The virgin birth The descent of the Spirit The leading of the Spirit Ministry in the Spirit
THE DESCENT OF THE SPIRIT What does this say about the Holy Spirit? –Spirit is divine –Spirit has come to anoint Jesus –God approves of Jesus What does this say about Jesus’ ministry? –Sacrifice!
SPIRIT-FILLED MAN The anointed one The virgin birth The descent of the Spirit The leading of the Spirit Ministry in the Spirit
THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT Mark 1:12 –Ekballo—cast out, thrust out, forced out Matthew 4:1 –Anago—lead or bring up. Luke 4:14 –Plaras—full, complete, fully grown –Ago—lead
SPIRIT-FILLED MAN The anointed one The virgin birth The descent of the Spirit The leading of the Spirit Ministry in the Spirit
MINISTRY IN THE SPIRIT Luke 4:14-15 –En ta dunamei tou pneumato –Jesus begins His ministry –Jesus garners praise from the people –Comes to Nazareth and there reads the Isaiah 61 passage
MINISTRY IN THE SPIRIT John 3:34 –Response of John the Baptist Servant have only what they are given He told them he was not the Christ He is delighted at Jesus’ success Jesus is from above and certified as such Jesus is motivated by the Spirit Jesus is loved by the Father –Without limit—ek metrou
MINISTRY IN THE SPIRIT Matthew 12:28 –The other Gospel accounts Mark 3:23-27 Luke 11:17-22 –The setting of the Matthew account –Jesus’ response to the Pharisees
MINISTRY IN THE SPIRIT Gospels do not specifically state that every act was motivated by the Spirit, but that seems to be the overall thrust. –Acts 10:34-43 –Hebrews 9:14
JESUS The Spirit-filled man par excellance The Master Teacher about the Spirit
MASTER TEACHER Synoptic teaching Johannine teaching
SYNOPTIC TEACHING The Spirit is God’s gift—Luke 11:9-13 The Spirit helps in ministry and in persecution—Matt 10:16-20; Mark 13:9- 11; Luke 12:11-12; 21;12-15 Baptismal instruction—Matt 28:19 Promise of power from on high—Luke 24:49
SYNOPTIC TEACHING Blasphemy against the Spirit –Definition of term, blasphamia –The Scripture settings: Matt 12:30-32 Mark 3:28-30 Luke 12:10 –Some summary statements:
MASTER TEACHER Synoptic teaching Johannine teaching
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 3:5-8 –Setting –Anothen, verse 3 –The message of Jesus of Nicodemus Water baptism Natural birth The Word Contrast with the Law Both water and Spirit refer to same thing
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 7:37-39 –The setting –Jesus gives the Spirit –The Holy Spirit satisfies completely –The work of the Spirit is inexhaustible –The Holy Spirit produces life –The fullness of the Spirit’s work is yet to come
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 14:16-17, 26 –Another Counselor—allon paraclaton –The Holy Spirit will abide forever –Called the Spirit of truth –For the believer, not for the world –Will teach all things –Bring Jesus’ words to remembrance
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 15:26 –Will bear witness of Jesus –Will enable believer to also bear witness of Jesus
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 16:5-15 –Sequence reiterated –The ministry of the Spirit Convict the world concerning sin Convict the world concerning righteousness Convict the world concerning judgment Guide into all truth
JOHANNINE TEACHING John 20:22 –The setting –What happened? Johannine Pentecost Enduement of power for evangelism Merely symbolic Actual impartation Regeneration The new covenant beginning