Letter of Convocation of GC XXIII Circular letter n. 934
First Part - Objectives of the Circular Letter n Steps taken to identify the emerging challenges and reach the formulation of the theme for GC XXIII - THEME of GC XXIII - Elements of reflection Second Part THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US THE CALL TO NEW EVANGELISATION HOME A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND SENDING FORTH VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES WHAT KIND OF HOME IS NEEDED TO EVANGELISE TODAY? CONCLUSION
Objectives of Circular Letter n Official convocation of General Chapter XXIII - Sharing of the steps taken in preparation for General Chapter XXIII
It is Mother’s desire that from this point forward all of us may journey together towards this event that touches the communities and each one of us.
Steps taken to identify the emerging challenges & reach the formulation of the theme for GC XXIII - Attention to today’s socio-cultural context - Reflection on the reality of the Provinces through the visits - Listening to what emerged from the Mid-Chapter Evaluations and the proposals of the Interprovincial Conferences, the SPR Province and the communities that depend directly on Mother General
- A review of the journey undertaken by the Institute in recent General Chapters ( ) - Attention to the ecclesial perspective of new evangelisation, starting from the experience of the Assembly of the Synod and of religious life today Steps taken to identify the emerging challenges and reach the formulation of the theme for GC XXIII
- The theme finds its place within the context of the new evangelisation and of the problems linked to the lack of faith, of relationships, of meaningful points of reference, and of an environment in which to feel at home. - In continuity with the paths of conversion to foreseeing love indicated by General Chapter XXII. THEME of GC XXIII
The HOME/HOUSE in the Salesian tradition is: -A family environment made up of FMA, young people, laity, -It is an atmosphere of co-responsability - A space in which to proclaim Jesus - Vocational appeal - Experience of communion in the style of the Preventive System that expands horizons of mission to the needs of the Church and the area. THEME of GC XXIII
- The key to reading the theme is given by our identity as FMA consecrated women (C 8) - An indispensable condition for an evangelising educational action is the witness of one who “lives in communion the ideals she proclaims” (C 68) - The urgency of allowing ourselves to be evangelised so that our lives may become evangelising starting from our own coherence, from our style of community relationships. THEME of GC XXIII
- The socio-cultural and ecclesial situation of today - The demands of the new evangelisation - The Word of God and the charismatic sources Elements of reflection
Aim of General Chapter XXIII To help the whole Institute and each FMA and educating community to renew its being and its relating, as a way of evangelizing.
THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US A HOME TO BE PROTECTED AND BUILT We note that in this home, which is a world, rich in many scientific- technological conquests, the person is not at the centre. The social teaching of the Church offers humanity the key to a Gospel reading of the present situation. The earth is a gift of God who created it out of love. Today there is a strong call to be converted from being consumers and exploiters to being guardians of creation.
IN A CONSTANTLY CHANGING SOCIETY Change is a permanent fact in culture and in society today. Challenges: - The economic crisis - The phenomenon of migration - Politics - The challenge of communication, that influences our way of seeing the human person, with profound repercussions in the area of interpersonal relations THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US
IN A CONSTANTLY CHANGING SOCIETY - How can the virtual generation, the ‘invisible’ generation of the cell phone, the computer and the use of social networks be educated? It is a considerable challenge for us, educators of young people. - A profoundly changed society offers the Church the opportunity and the incentive to re-think its own presence in the world. THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US
THE CHURCH A LIVING PRESENCE AMONG THE PEOPLE Fifty years after the celebration of the Vatican II Ecumenical Council there is a greater awareness in the Church of being the People of God on a journey, sharing the joys and hopes of humanity. Humanity is living through a crisis of planetary dimensions, not only at a cultural level, but also at the level of faith. In a world, in which every trace of God often seems to be lost, the Church has confidence in the prophetic witness of consecrated persons. THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US
YOUNG PEOPLE SEARCHING FOR A HOME As FMA we feel particularly challenged by the profound needs of young people to whom we look with confidence because, as Don Bosco said, they are the weakest and most fragile section of society, but also its hope and strength for the present and the future. Today, as FMA we are called to be a HOME in which the young people, especially the poorest, can experience an alternative way of living. THE REAL WORLD CHALLENGES US
THE CALL TO NEW EVANGELISATION At this moment in history, the Institute welcomes with renewed availability and joy the call to new evangelisation that the Church makes to every Christian community and to every person who has met Jesus. Our communities are called to be ever more houses where the Word of God resounds and, as in Mornese, houses of the love of God where the Gospel of charity is proclaimed with ones life.
EVANGELISATION AS AN ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS CHRIST AND LIFE WITNESS Faced with disconnection from the faith in cultures that have been for centuries imbued with the Gospel, the Church questions itself, in the first place regarding its life, the depth of its faith, its encounter with Jesus. The Church is aware that evangelisation does not begin with what it does, but with the working of God. THE CALL TO NEW EVANGELISATION
EVANGELISATION AS AN ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS CHRIST AND LIFE WITNESS Faith is not founded on ideas, but on encounter with Jesus. As FMA we feel challenged to re-think the method and the languages of evangelisation. Evangelising is not just proclaiming the good news. Our whole life must become good news. THE CALL TO NEW EVANGELISATION
EDUCATION A PRIVILEGED CHANNEL FOR EVANGELISATION The Church looks with hope to the new generations. The Synod Assembly also expressed the hope that consecrated life would be aware of the responsibility to bring its specific contribution to the educational commitment, because the communication of the faith takes place in a special way through education. THE CALL TO NEW EVANGELISATION
HOME A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND SENDING FORTH The Word of God helps us to read the chapter theme in depth: The experience of HOME The biblical concept of home implies a twofold meaning : that of a building and that of a group of persons, a family, a history
GOD LIVES IN OUR HOME - In Jesus “God has made his dwelling among us” (Jn 1: 14) - Often Jesus, after having spoken to the crowds, withdrew “to the house” to explain the content of his words in greater depth. - For Jesus the house is the place of relating, of the manifestation of his divinity, of sending forth to bring the good news. HOME A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND SENDING FORTH
MARY HOME OF THE LIVING GOD - The presence of Mary in the life of Jesus and in the life of the Church makes the biblical meaning of the home as the dwelling place of God more tangible. - Mary is the model of total abandonment to the Word. She is the house built on the rock. - In the Gospel texts, Mary is often presented in the context of a home. HOME A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND SENDING FORTH
THE CHURCH, A HOUSE OF COMMUNION OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE - Jesus himself becomes the home of those who live in him. - Remaining in Christ means also remaining in the Church. - The early Church often appears in the Acts of the Apostles as a house, a community of first proclamation and of conversion. HOME A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND SENDING FORTH
VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES - Valdocco is the house where “the God atmosphere” and “the family atmosphere” mingled, creating one of holiness. - In today’s context, so different from that of our beginning, we continue to live the same educational passion that springs from the da mihi animas cetera tolle and from the assignment “I entrust them to you”.
COMMUNITIES ROOTED IN THE LORD JESUS -The life of Don Bosco and of the young people in the house of Valdocco was sustained by Jesus, present in the Eucharist, the centre towards which all gravitated. - The presence of Jesus is the heart of the Mornese community, its dynamic centre, what urged it on to conversion and witness. VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES
A HOME WHERE ONE EXPERIENCES FAMILY - With the foundation of the Oratory of Valdocco Don Bosco wanted to give his boys a home, a family, not a boarding school. - In the community of Mornese, the house “of the love of God” they lived affection and mutual trust as in a family. Mother Mazzarello educated the Sisters and the young people to total trust in Our Lady and to live trusting in her help. VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES
A COMMUNITY WITH A MISSIONARY VISION - The house of Valdocco was open to broad visions and projects. The system that animated it moved within a broad vision of evangelisation and enkindled great ideals in the young people. - Mornese was a house that was open to the world, where one breathed an evangelising dynamism that led people to become witnesses to Jesus among those who did not yet know Him. VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES
A COMMUNITY WITH A MISSIONARY VISION The missionary spirit was not lived as an additional activity for the Institute, rather it constituted an essential element: It was nourished by joy in one’s vocation and apostolic courage. VALDOCCO AND MORNESE: PROPHETIC SOURCES
WHAT KIND OF HOME IS NEEDED TO EVANGELISE TODAY? Today, we are called to complete the work sketched by Don Bosco and Maria Domenica Mazzarello “painting in the colours … developing the seed”, to restore the splendour to the ancient colours with new brushstrokes.
RELATIONSHIPS AS A WAY OF EVANGELISING EDUCATION A Gospel style of relationship is more easily legible today, even by those who do not believe. It is necessary to cultivate some attitudes: - a spirit of gentleness that leads us to welcome diversity with joy - the simplicity of the poor who know how to share - the awareness of the needs of others of the one who hungers and thirsts for justice - the resilience of one who accepts trials as a sign of fidelity - the transparency of heart and life that makes one optimistic and caring. The community becomes a home where we form each other, educate and grow. WHAT KIND OF HOME IS NEEDED TO EVANGELISE TODAY?
THE ENVIRONMENT AS A PLACE OF ENCOUNTER AND MUTUALITY Young people do not reach God and encounter Jesus if we only speak of Him, but if they can touch him, experience him, in a community that lives and witnesses, if we offer them the conditions needed to become agents of transformation and evangelisation in their own environment. WHAT KIND OF HOME IS NEEDED TO EVANGELISE TODAY?
TOGETHER, WE RESPOND TO DEEPEST NEEDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE - Encounter and mutual relations in a shared mission are, today, a prophetic sign that makes visible the plan of communion to which God calls each person and all peoples. -The witness to the joy of having met Jesus and of living in his love as an educating community is a priority for evangelisation today and a prophecy of hope for humanity, especially for young people. WHAT KIND OF HOME IS NEEDED TO EVANGELISE TODAY?
We are entering into a period of deep spiritual experience and of communion with the whole Institute involved in this process of preparation for this charismatic event. Let us seek to create in our houses a favourable atmosphere for involvement in prayer and reflection. Let us commit ourselves to live this time of grace, accompanied by Mary, the dwelling place of God and Star of the new evangelisation. CONCLUSION
O Mary Help of Christians, we entrust ourselves to you in our commitment to be, today, with young people, a home that evangelises. Make us capable of renewed conversion to the Lord, that, evangelised by Him, we may be able to witness the beauty of the Gospel to the younger generations.
Grant that, touched by the Word that saves, Like Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, we may live the passion of the “da mihi animas cetera tolle” in order to radiate joy and hope where uncertainty makes life fragile, especially for young people.
Support the Church in its mission of evangelisation that all may encounter Jesus, the rock of salvation. Enkindle in the hearts of many young people the desire to follow Him. We ask you, Mother, to open all our hearts to the breath of the Spirit in our journey of preparation for the coming General Chapter. AMEN!
Letter of Convocation of GC XXIII Circular letter n. 934