Oedipus the King Study Guide 1.Why have the priests come to the altar at Thebes? 2.How did Oedipus once save Thebes? 3.Why is Creon away from Thebes when the story opens? 4.According to Creon, want does Apollo want done? 5.How was Laius killed? 6.Why wasn’t the death of the king fully investigated?
7.What “reward” does Oedipus offer for information about the murderer? 8.What punishment does Oedipus threaten for withholding information about the murderer? 9.Why has Oedipus sent for Teiresias? 10.Why didn’t Teiresias come immediately when Oedipus sent for him? 11.Why does Oedipus first grow angry with Teiresias? 12Why does Teiresias grow angry with Oedipus?
13.What accusation does Teiresias make against Oedipus? 14.Why does Teiresias grow angry with Creon? 15.What prediction does Teiresias make? 16.What does Oedipus think that Creon is plotting? 17.Why does Creon share Oedipus’ power? 18.According to Creon, why wouldn’t he want to be king? 19.Why does Creon tell Oedpius to go to Delphi?
20.What advice does Jocasta give to her quarrelling husband and brother? 21.Why does Oedipus release Creon? 22.What is Jocasta’s “proof” that humans cannot prophesy the future? 23.Why is Oedipus disturbed by Jocasta’s description of the prophecy and her account of Laius’ death? 24.What favor does Jocasta grant the slave who witnessed the murder? 25.Who were Polybus and Merope?
26.Why did the drunken man’s story bother Oedipus? 27.Why did Oedipus run away from home? 28.Why did Oedipus kill the travelers? 29.Why is Jocasta sure that Apollo’s prophecy – that her child would kill her husband- turned out wrong? 30.Why did Oedipus send for the shepherd?