Gog/Magog Invasion This is a Russian/Islamic military strike against Israel prophesied in Ezekiel 38&39
Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, a minister, says he is God
Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb Destabilization of Iraq – this will be the Anti- Christ’s headquarters during the Tribulation. Russia will continue to grow in power and influence in the Middle East. Israel will lose allies and the rise of Anti- Semitism.
Concluding Thoughts form 2 Peter 3:10-18 Have Holy conduct and godliness – verse 11 Look forward to a new Heaven and Earth: The Blessed Hope – verses Be at peace, for God is in control – verse 14 Be longsuffering so that more people can come to know Christ – verse 15
Concluding Thoughts form 2 Peter 3:10-18 Watch out for people that will twist the scriptures. Don’t listen to false prophets – verse 16 Stand firm in the truth lest you fall away – verse 17 Grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord – verse 18