PROPHETIC TIME-LINE |------Pre-Exilic | Exilic | Post-Exilic | Inter-Testamental | st Advent------| ASSYRIAN BABYLONIAN PERSIAN GREEK MACCABEAN ROMAN B.C B.C B.C B.C B.C. 63 B.C.-650 A.D. Solomon’s kingdom Babylonians exile Cyrus permits Alexander the Maccabees revolt Judea annexed by is divided in 930 B.C citizens of Judea the Jews to return Great controls against Antiochus Rome in 63 B.C. with the ten northern in three waves (605, to the Promised Israel in 333 B.C. Epiphanes IV, a tribes breaking away 597, 586 B.C.) Land in 538 B.C. and dies in 323 Seleucid King Herod renovates from Judah B.C. temple beg. 20 B.C. Elijah and Elisha Babylonians destroy Zerubbabel returns Alexander’s empire Jesus born 6/5 minister in Northern City of Jerusalem and to Jerusalem in divided among four B.C. Israel from 875 to Solomon’s Temple 537 B.C. Generals 830 B.C. in 586 B.C. Herod the Great 2 nd Temple built in Kings of the South dies in 4 B.C. Assyrians conquer Nebuchadnezzar 516 B.C. (Egypt) came from Northern Israel in conquers Egypt in General Ptolemy 3.5 year earthly 722 B.C. 570 B.C. Ezra returns to Jer. ministry of Christ in 458 B.C. Kings of the North Assyrians nearly Jehoiachin set free (Syria) came from Christ’s death and conquer Judah in from a Babylonian Nehemiah returns General Seleucus B.C. under prison in 561 B.C. with a decree to A.D. Hezekiah & Isaiah rebuild Jer. walls in 445 B.C. Nineveh falls to a Babylonian-led coalition in 612 B.C. Jeremiah 50:17a Jeremiah 50:17b-18 Daniel 2:39a; 9:25Daniel 2:39b Isaiah 9:6a Jonah 1-4 Daniel 2:36-38 Daniel 11:2Daniel 11:3-35 Daniel 2:40; 9:26 Nahum Daniel 7:4 Isaiah 44:28-45:4 Micah 5:2 Matthew 24:1-2
PROPHETIC TIME-LINE (Cont.) | Church Age | Tribulation |--2 nd Advent------Great White Throne--| Roman Inter-Roman Revived Roman Millennial Kingdom Eternal State 63 B.C. – Until Rapture 7 years 1000 years Forever 650 A.D. Church begins Christ prepares a Judgment Seat of 2 nd Coming, Satan bound Old heavens and earth at Pentecost in home for His bride Christ for Church burn up A.D. 30 (The Church) Regathering of all Jews Antichrist makes to Promised Land (PL) Lake of Fire (2 nd Death) Jerusalem Temple Persecution of the 7-year treaty with Destroyed in A.D. Church Israel on earth Christ rules nations with New Jerusalem descends 70 by Titus a rod of iron on New Earth Rapture of the Abomination of New Testament Church Desolation at Lush and secure PL No more tears, no more Mid-Tribulation death for the saints A.D. 95 Satan’s final rebellion Seal, Trumpet & Bowl Judgments Isaiah 9:6a Matthew 24:4-14 Daniel 2:42-45 Isaiah 9:6b-7; 65:20-25Isaiah 65:17-19 Daniel 2:40 John 14:2 Daniel 9:27; 11:36-45 Jeremiah 31:38-40; 50: Peter 3:10 Daniel 9:26 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Zechariah 14:1-7,12-15 Ezekiel 20:33-42; 47:1-12Revelation 21:1-22:21 Micah 5:2 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 Matthew 24:15-44 Joel 3:17-21 Matthew 24:1-2 Revelation 6:1-19:21 Amos 9:11-15 Zechariah 12:10-13:6 Zechariah 14:8-11,16-21 Matthew 25:31-46 Holdridge (July 2012) Revelation 20:1-10