Zeus + Leto ___________|___________ Artemis Apollo
Apollo < “Destroyer” (?) “Assembly” (?) Apollo Phoebus (= bright? = fox?) Apollo Lykios (=A. Wolf? = A. from Lycia?) Hyperborean Apollo?
Healing & Purification Music Enforcement of Limits Prophecy
Apollo Smintheus (Rat)
Apollo Paian (Healer)
miasma: disease, contagion, physical pollution
Healing & Purification Music Enforcement of Limits Prophecy
Apollo Musagetês (Muse-Leader)
The singers and lyre players of this earth are descended from the Muses and far-shooting Apollo, but kings are from the line of Zeus. Blessed is the man whom the Muses love; sweet song flows from his mouth. A man may have some fresh grief over which to mourn, and sorrow may have left him no more tears, but if a singer, a servant of the Muses, sings the glories of ancient men and hymns the blessed gods who dwell on Olympos, the heavy-hearted man soon shakes off his dark mood, and forgetfulness soothes his grief, for this gift of the gods diverts his mind. —Hesiod, Theogony
Apollo & Muse
Healing & Purification Music Enforcement of Limits Prophecy
Apollo Hekabolos (Who Shoots from Afar)
metron: measure, boundary, limit, balance, order
Children of Niobe
Apollo vs. Centaurs
Apollo vs. Marsyas
Healing & Purification Music Enforcement of Limits Prophecy
Delphic Insritpions (1) Nothing in excess (mêden agan). (2) Observe the limit. (3) Master passion. (4) Fear authority. (5) Hate hybris. (6) Bow to the divine. (7) Keep woman under rule. (8) Know [become aware of] yourself (gnôthi seauton).
Apollo and Order Physical Beauty, Athleticismsculptural canon, chariot-racing Ratio and Harmonymusic, poetry, mathematics Medicine and PurificationApollo Paian, cleanser of miasma Enforcementpunisher of hybris Prophecyoracle at Delphi Self-Restraintmêden agan (“nothing in excess”) Self-Knowledgegnôthi seauton (“know your place”)
Zeus + Leto ___________|___________ Artemis Apollo birth on rocky island of Delos Apollo leaves Delos without being breast-fed Apollo kills female dragon Pytho at Delphi Apollo establishes prophetic shrine
Apollo + Daphnefailed attempt to catch Apollo + Cassandrawoman reneges on promise of sex Apollo + Sibylwoman reneges on promise of sex Apollo + Coronisbetrayal of Apollo Apollo + Hyacinthuslover accidentally killed by Apollo
Apollo + Daphnefailed attempt to catch Apollo + Cassandrawoman reneges on promise of sex Apollo + Sibylwoman reneges on promise of sex Apollo + Coronisbetrayal of Apollo Apollo + Hyacinthuslover accidentally killed by Apollo