***Literary Terms (Make sure you have all the following literary terms in your Literary Terms section of your notebook.) 1. Tragedy: A play in which a main character suffers a downfall as a result of outside forces or flaw. 2. Tragic flaw : personality trait that leads to the downfall of the hero 3. en media res: ( Latin for “in the middle of things”) when the story starts in the middle of events, flashes back, then picks back up in real time
4. Hamartia : A flaw within the protagonist or mistake. 5. Hubris : excessive pride 6. Pathos : the events in a literary work which evoke feelings of sympathy and pity in a reader 7. Chorus : a performer or group of performers whose function is to comment on the action that has just occurred in a drama. 8. Foreshadowing : clues that hint to what will happen in a work of literature
9. Dramatic irony: the reader or audience knows something that a character does not know. 10. Dramatic Irony: 11. Verbal Irony: 12. Situational Irony: 10. Indirect characterization: the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character's thoughts, words, and actions 1. Direct characterization: the writer makes direct statements about a character's personality
Review 1.Summarize how Oedipus came to the city of Thebes as an adult. 2.How are the people of Thebes suffering? Why? 3.According to the oracle, how can the curse be uplifted?
Today’s Guiding Question… Is Oedipus cursed because of fate or because of flaws?
Instructions A sheet of notebook paper, create a chart with four columns. Use the following headings: 1 st – Tiresias’ accusations 2 nd – Tiresias’ foreshadowing 3 rd – Murderer of Lauis 4 th – Evidence You will need multiple rows so draw those as you go along. You will have 10 minutes to complete each one! Find a partner to complete all 4 investigations!
Tiresias’ accusations Tiresias’ prophecies Murderer of King Lauis Evidence
1.A person with info – 2. A person who withholds info- 3. Murderer - Exiled but unharmed Banishment Curse of a painful life
1. “You (Oedipus) are the curse, the corruption of the land! (line 401). 2. “I say you are the murderer you hunt.” (line 347). 3.“…you and your loved ones live together in infamy…” (line 365).
Teiresias’ Prophecies: 1.“I pity you, flinging at me the very insults/each man here will fling at you soon” (lines ). (You will be talked about). 2.“…the lash of your mother and father’s curse will whip your from this land one day...” (lines ). (Exiled) 3.“No man will ever/be rooted from the earth as brutally as you” (Line ). ( 4.“This day will bring your birth and your /destruction” (lines ). (Knowledge of parents will destroy him).
Investigation 3
Teiresias’ Clues Regarding the Murderer of Laius 1.The murderer is in Thebes now. 2.He is not foreign born but is a native of Thebes. 3.“A blind man who has his eyes now...” (will be blinded) 4.“...a beggar, who is rich now.. “ (will lose his fortune) 5.He is brother and father to his own children (guilty of incest) 6.“…sowed the loins/his father sowed... (slept with his own mother) 7.“...he spilled his father’s blood...” (murdered his own father)
Is Teiresias telling the truth? (Give evidence of whether of not he is a credible seer?) The Chorus compares him with the god Apollo (god of prophecy). Creon recommends him Known all over Thebes that he has given correct prophecies for years.
(What character traits challenge Teiresias’ claims?) He once saved the city from a terrible monster, the Sphinx. He cares deeply about his people’s suffering and pain.