A 3. God Gives Us His Word
Review: Apple Tree Review: Apple Tree 1. The next click will show you the Apple Tree. Draw a small version of it at the top of the page of Lesson Before you click again, draw what you expect the next click will show you. See if you can draw each part of the Apple Tree before you click and see the answer.
1.Gospel in Word 1.Gospel in Sacrament 2. Faith in Christ = 100% Saved Thank- apples Triune God
God’s Written Word
Old TestamentNew Testament BCAD Waiting for Christ’s 1 st Coming Waiting for Christ’s 2nd Coming Christ’s Work Waiting for Christ’s 2nd Coming 1 public return, judgment & rapture
WritersMoses, Kings, Prophets Evangelists, Apostles Old TestamentNew Testament
Lan- guage* HebrewGreek Old TestamentNew Testament
Books39 History, prophecy, poetry 27 History, prophecy, letters Old TestamentNew Testament
TimeBefore Christ came to earth After Christ came to earth Old TestamentNew Testament
ContentHistory of God’s people Israel & promises of Savior to come. The Good News (gospel) of Christ’s life & letters for churches. Old TestamentNew Testament
Words to Know Testament = promise prophet = Speaks God’s Word evangelist = Writes the gospel apostle = Sent in person by JC epistle = A letter to someone
What is the Bible? 1.inspired (breathed into) 2 Tim 3:16 p. 1179
2. Word … verbal (word-for- word) inspiration 1 Cor 2: )
3. True … God John 17:17 32)
4. all Luke 16:19-31 p. 1073
2 Pet 1:21 23) 5. The word of God
The Value of the Bible
There are 2 main doctrines in the Bible
The LawThe Gospel The Law and the Gospel are 2 doctrines that God uses throughout the whole Bible. The Law and the Gospel seem to contradict each other, because the Law says that God hates sinners but the Gospel says God loves sinners. The Law serves the Gospel; the Gospel is always the greater message and God’s final word of peace for a repentant sinner. The Law and the Gospel are two separate doctrines that “grind” with each other as they work together like a knife and fork work together.
Review: Law Vs. Gospel Review: Law Vs. Gospel 1. The next click will show you the Law Vs. Gospel diagram. Draw a small version of it at the bottom of the page of Lesson Before you click again, write what you expect the next click will show you. See if you can draw each part of the diagram before you click and see the answer.
The LawThe Gospel “Do” “Don’t do” Demands Shows our sins “Done” “Will be done” Promises Shows our Savior Fear Peace Love God! God loves!
1. LAW (commands) which shows us we are sinful and worthy of condemnation. Rom 3:20 p Rom 6:23a p. 1117
2. GOSPEL (good news) which shows us our SAVIOR and works saving faith in him. John 3:16
3. Trust …as our personal Savior. Rom 1:16 Rom 10:17 4. guides
How We Should Use the Bible 1. Daily read and study it. 2. Gladly hear and learn it. 3. Trust and obey what we learn.