God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
God’s speech to us by His Son is the culmination of His speaking to mankind. God’s speech to us by His Son is the culmination of His speaking to mankind. This exceeds any revelation in the Old Covenant. This exceeds any revelation in the Old Covenant. This indicates there is a finality to the revelation of God in Christ. This indicates there is a finality to the revelation of God in Christ. The NT is written by the apostles with absolute divine authority. The NT is written by the apostles with absolute divine authority.
There is no more to be added with the same absolute divine authority. There is no more to be added with the same absolute divine authority. We have the final record of the things God wants us to know. We have the final record of the things God wants us to know. Since this is God’s greatest revelation for mankind, no more is to be expected once this is complete. Since this is God’s greatest revelation for mankind, no more is to be expected once this is complete.
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
It is not accidental that this statement comes at the end of the Bible. It is not accidental that this statement comes at the end of the Bible. This warning forms an appropriate conclusion to the entire canon of Scripture, that we should expect no more Scripture to be added beyond what we already have. This warning forms an appropriate conclusion to the entire canon of Scripture, that we should expect no more Scripture to be added beyond what we already have.
If a majority of believers believe Paul really wrote this, his apostolic authority would guarantee the writing would be God’s word. If a majority of believers believe Paul really wrote this, his apostolic authority would guarantee the writing would be God’s word.
But it was not preserved as part of canon. But it was not preserved as part of canon. Such a hypothetical question is just that: hypothetical. Such a hypothetical question is just that: hypothetical. Hard to understand why God would have deprived believers of His revelation. Hard to understand why God would have deprived believers of His revelation. This makes the hypothetical situation highly improbable. This makes the hypothetical situation highly improbable.
Our confidence is based on the faithfulness of God. Our confidence is based on the faithfulness of God. It is very important that God’s people have His own words. It is very important that God’s people have His own words. God’s Word is more precious than anything else. God’s Word is more precious than anything else. God is in control of all history. God is in control of all history. God’s promise of punishment confirms the importance of having a correct canon. God’s promise of punishment confirms the importance of having a correct canon. God wouldn’t allow His church to be deprived of His Word. God wouldn’t allow His church to be deprived of His Word.
We have all the books God intends for us to have. We have all the books God intends for us to have. Our faithful God would not mislead His people. Our faithful God would not mislead His people. Our confidence confirmed by: Our confidence confirmed by: – providential exposure – the attributes of canonicity – internal testimony of the Holy Spirit
We are confident that there are no missing books. We are confident that there are no missing books. There is nothing missing from Scripture. There is nothing missing from Scripture. The canon is exactly what God wanted it to be. The canon is exactly what God wanted it to be.