Visions for the NEREUS network from the regional point of view Dr. Pierpaolo Campostrini Nereus First General Assembly – Bruxelles 7 July 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Visions for the NEREUS network from the regional point of view Dr. Pierpaolo Campostrini Nereus First General Assembly – Bruxelles 7 July 2008

From Myth ……. Greek sea god. The son of Pontus (a personification of the sea) and Gaea, he was noted for his gift of prophecy and his ability to change his shape. He lived at the bottom of the sea with his daughters, the Nereids. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, 2007

…… to Reality GMES workshop in Toulouse (Jan 2006) Graz Symposium “A Market for GMES in Europe and its regions”(March 2006) Munich GMES roadmap (April 2007) Nereus AISBL (April –July 2008)

Constitutive Assembly – 18 /12/ regions coming from 9 European Countries signed in Toulose the Political Charter Austria Belgium France Germany Italy Poland Portugal Spain United Kingdom

Members (21 full +2 associated) Austria : City of Vienna Belgium : Region Wallone, Brussels Capital Region France : Midi Pyrenees Italy : Abruzzo, Basilicata, Lombardia, Molise, Puglia, Veneto Germany : Branderburg, Bremen, Hessen, Bayern, Baden- Wurttemberg Poland : Mazovia Portugal : Açores Spain : Andalucia, Castilla y Leon, City of Madrid United Kingdom: East Midlands ASSOCIATED MEMBERS Thales Alenia Space, Midi Pyrenees, France Escola de novas tecnologias dos Açores, Açores, Portugal

General Assembly All the members Management Board 11 persons (President, Vice-President Treasurer) WG1 WG2 WG3 WG4 General Secretariat in Bruxelles The Governance

The Office in Bruxelles NEREUS Office c/o the Veneto Region Office Avenue de Tervuren Bruxelles

European Decision making Process for Space policy European regions using space technologies (Nereus’ Members) European Union & European agencies Industrial Actors Research & Education Local institutions NEREUS = 1 voice (Nereus’ Associates) Enlarge the communication bandwidth Member States & National agencies European Union & European agencies

European Regions and Space: from Infrastructures to Applications a)The Regions host the installation, development and maintenance of space infrastructures (“ground segment”) b)The Regions play a major role in the processes of innovation and technology transfer. They give a significant contribution in the creation and in the support of clusters and competitiveness zones that bring together manufacturers (also SMEs), higher education and scientific research. c)The Regions manage the territory, taking care of environmental and security issues, developing plans and providing a number of services to citizens.

The Ground Segment Huge opportunity for the territory, however involving more the Regions, through NEREUS, in the GS is possible to achieve : Better networking Better integration Better cross-fertilisation Easier data access Larger participation of SMEs

Innovation and technology transfer Universities, research centres have to be linked more closely to the territory to catch their needs, while maintaining a wider view The SMEs should be more involved in the research programs The Regions offer support for clusters, industrial districts NEREUS can be a platform where ideas on Space applications meet, best practices are created and diffused

Management of the territory New technologies offer huge opportunities, but … are users really there? NEREUS can: – Federate the demands – Stimulate new applications – Diffuse the opportunities A market requires consumers In this changing world, monitoring the territory should become a.s.a.p. much easier and much more accurate than today

Objectives To introduce the Regional level in the elaboration and development of European Space programmes and activities linked to infrastructures and applications. To implement and promote partnerships and cooperative schemes between European Regions, in order to develop common or complementary assets. To sustain the fulfilment of the end-users' needs in the Space services provided by the European Union programs. To ensure that Space services are used across all the Regions for ensuring a balanced development of the European Union, allowing a full exploitation of its potential. To support a better promotion of the European Space dimension in a context of increasing worldwide competition. To increase the citizens' participation in the European policy construction and in the developing of the Space services market.

Aims Presence: To be an active source of proposals to the EU Institutions, ESA, Members States and Space agencies Organising cooperation: to promote and implement partnership, to foster transnational and cross-border cooperation schemes between European regions in order to sustain end-users’ needs in the EU Space programs. Promoting a balanced development of Europe: to ensure that space technologies are used across all European Regions, taking better account of territorial specificities

Areas envisaged for action GMES : End users operating at the regional level can take advantage of GMES Core Services, and will contribute to developing downstream services. GALILEO/GNSS : Many sectors managed by regional administrations are affected by the development of satellite navigation; for example: transport and communication, land survey, agriculture, fisheries and waterways, tourism, waste disposal and logistic domain. Education and Communication : the need to develop new applications and technologies for present and future space programmes requires improving the current knowledge base. Regional administrations can provide strong support and shall involve the education process at all levels. Telecommunications : Distance learning, remote medicine, remote health and remote administration are key fields of application in the next future in every region.

First activities The activation of the Working Groups The start-up of the office, appointment of SG The implementation of a “working platform” on the present calls with regard to space programme - FP 7 (e.g on GMES downstream services) - INTERREG Programmes (e.g. Interreg IVC) - ESA initiatives (e.g.ESA Integrated Application Promotion Programme Initiative)

There’s a lot of Space out there