What could Happen: What could Happen: Drift (Heb. 2:1) Led away by error (Acts 20:28-32)
The effect it could have: The effect it could have: What we believe (Acts 20:30) How we live (1 Cor. 15:33) Strength of local churches (Acts 20:29) Destiny of our souls (Acts 20:29-30)
What can we do? What can we do? Watch & be alert (Acts 20:31)
I. Soft Preaching A. What preaching should be: Biblical in content (1 Pet. 4:11) Positive & negative (2 Tim. 4:2-5) Distinctive (1 John 4:6)
I. Soft Preaching A. What preaching should be B. Signs of softer preaching Little or no Scripture Message says nothing Not distinctive Vague - little or no application Topics are social...
I. Soft Preaching A. What preaching should be B. Signs of softer preaching C. Hard to identify Not what are saying. It is what are not saying.
I. Soft Preaching A. What preaching should be B. Signs of softer preaching C. Hard to identify D. Effect: Weaker Christians & churches Tolerant environment Fertile ground for error
II. Soft On Worldliness A. Wordliness is: Participation in sin that makes us like the world Dancing (Prom) Immodesty Social Drinking Petting & Fornication Watching Filth Divorce Materialism
II. Soft On Worldliness A. Wordliness is B. Signs of being soft: Little or no preaching against it Those who participate - left alone Parents, preachers & elders doing the same thing!
II. Soft On Worldliness A. Wordliness is B. Signs of being soft: C. Sin must be dealt with Souls are in danger (1 Jno. 2:15-17) Part of preaching - truth (2 Tim. 4:2)
III. Tolerant of error and its teachers A. Error is dangerous - must be marked 1 Cor. 15:33 Rom. 16: Tim. 2: Thess. 2:10-12
III. Tolerant of error and its teachers A. Error is dangerous - must be marked B. Efforts to be more tolerant Broaden the scope of Romans 14 Narrow the scope of “false teacher”
Romans 14 Doctrine Faith Morals Indifference Liberty ? God received him (v. 3) To the Lord (v. 6) Not to judge (condemn) him (v. 13) Not wrong within itself (v. 14) Keep it to self (v. 22)
“False Teacher” Teaches error / false doc. Dishonest ? Consequence: honest man could not be a false teacher Consequence: Teacher’s attitude makes the difference:
Doctrine: Guilty Party Can Remarry Error / False Teaches Dishonest Honest Marry Which Couple Is In Adultery?
“False Teacher” Teaches error / false doc. Dishonest ? Consequence: honest man could not be a false teacher Consequence: Teacher’s attitude makes the difference: How can we know if he is false teacher? By what he teaches (1 John 4:1, 6)
III. Tolerant of error and its teachers Broaden the scope of Romans 14 Narrow the scope of “false teacher” Point of All This: “Don’t call me a ‘false teacher’ or cut off fellowship because you think my doctrine is wrong. Allow me to teach what I want!”
Abuse of Romans 14 Error! What’s The Big Deal About Romans 14?
IV. Confusing Excitement with Edification A. Real edification & spirituality Edified by the word (1 Cor. 14) Tongues (w/o interp) - not edify Prophecy (reveals word) - edifies Faith comes by the word (Rom. 10:17)
IV. Confusing Excitement with Edification A. Real edification & spirituality B. Confusion: Think if speaker is dynamic, pleasant, stirs excitement & emotions - really edified! Think if a class is fun, lot of discussion, good argument, exciting - really edified! If feel good about self following a class, sermon, etc. - it was great! Think if we enjoy social events (eating, playing games, laughing - “That was edifying!”
V. Compromise With Evolution A. What are the compromises? Gap Theory Millions of year between Gen. 1:1 & Gen. 1:2 Day Age Theory Day = millions of years Literal Day + Long Gap Day = 24 hrs. millions of year between
V. Compromise With Evolution A. What are the compromises? B. Consequences: Puts rest of Genesis suspect to figurative interpretation Questions the word & its accuracy Undermines our faith
V. Compromise With Evolution A. What are the compromises? B. Consequences: C. What does the text say? Evening & Morning = Day (Gen. 1) Creation week = Work week (Exo. 31:16-17) Spoke it - done (Psa. 33:6-9)
Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:6 “He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,’” Day 1Day 4Day 3Day 2Day 7 “Now” Day 6 Made Man Day 5 Created Closer to us than begin.
Dangers Facing The Church I. Soft preaching II. Soft on worldliness III. Tolerant of error & Its teachers Iv. Confusing excitement with edification V. Compromise With Evolution