OCT 6-10 WEEK 6 English 9A
Monday Oct 6 Record Reading Logs onto EliReview Check for Letter in a Bottle assignments Silent read 20 minutes Homework Vocabulary 5 - Quiz Friday 10th Study Quizlet for lessons 1-6 Test Monday Grammar knowledge check: Formative assessment
Monday, Oct 6 List Eight Parts of speech Define Give examples Define grammar: Define sentence
Tuesday Oct 7 Correct Vocabulary 5 Read ( whole group CD or partner read ) Silent Read
Notes Book 10 Main idea Key word QuoteQuestions/ explanation Page/ Line AeolusGives two gifts a good west wind to travel & a bag of wind summary916 Goddess Circe At Aeaea where she controls his physical body But not Odysseus’s heart summary916 Odysseus says “Circe, you should make me soft and doting…enticing me in your chamber” No physical control of self921 Odysseus“I mount no bed of love with you upon it” Devoted to wife, family & Ithaca 921 CirceSent to hear a Prophecy of, “ the blind man Tiresias of Thebes” Agrees to let him leave but though Hates the land of the dead… 925 FateGreeks were concerned with Fate and how it directed their lives Non human power that directs a human life --- teacher note
BOOK 12 Sea Perils and Defeat Key wordPage Line Eurylochus“Swine, wolves, and lions she will make of us all…bound by her enchantment…remember Cyclopes?... They died for his foolishness” calls out to warn Odysseus and Odysseus is offended but crew come between them Shows that he is daring… 924
BOOK Twelve Sea Perils and Defeat SirensWhere Scylla takes men “six heads,…no ships company can pass her” Escape do not try to fight See lines Odysseus plan clever/ smartWax in men’s ears to avoid sirens 933 OdysseusKept nerveHad his men tie him to the mast to keep him safe 933 ScyllaDoes finally eat 6 menOdysseus and the rest of the men sail on Helios Paraphrase Driven by hunger men go ashore and eat Helios cattle The sun god threatens to stop shining if there is not payment for this loss 937
Wednesday Oct 8 Writing Workshop Day Review Letter in a Bottle with final revised copy due Friday on EliReview
Thursday Writing workshop continued writing due Friday Quizlet Day Grammar
Friday Vocabulary Quiz Reminder Vocabulary Unit Test Monday Lesson 1-6 SILENT WORK: Read in free reading book recording times and pages or complete writing assignment on Eli BUDDIES for ELI REVIEW TOO (6 th hour only)