Orlando Central Parkway - Suite 350 Orlando, Florida Phone # (407) Fax # (407) Jill Ann McReynolds – Executive Director
2 Our Mission HANDS was founded to assist Central Florida communities to increase the supply and availability of affordable housing, both rental and ownership. HANDS achieves this mission by providing the following services: A HUD-Certified Housing Counseling agency offering housing information and referral services to Central Florida residents about AFFORDABLE housing alternatives available to them. To accomplish this mission, HANDS works to establish partnerships with other non-profits organizations, governments and the business community to build, acquire, and rehabilitate and manage low cost housing units, which are sold or rented to individuals and families well below market rate.
3 Counseling: As a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agency, HANDS offers counseling services in group or One-on-One sessions which cover: Pre-Home Purchase Post-Home Purchase Credit and Budget Analysis Default and Foreclosure Prevention – 73% in 2012 Home Equity Conversion Reverse Mortgage Tenant Landlord Counseling for Renters Review of Loan Documents Affordable Apartment Location Affordable Housing Development
4 How HANDS’ Benefits Orange County Government: CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization) HUD-Certified Counselor Compliance for State SHIP* downpayment funds via Homebuyer Education Compliance for Federal NSP** program requirements of 8 hours of counseling Fast referral resource for citizens in Mortgage Default * SHIP = State Housing Initiative Partnership program ** NSP = Neighborhood Stabilization Program
EXTENDED Arms of Orange County Services 5
Why is mortgage default (loss mitigation) counseling so important? HANDS is one of the 211 Housing resource referrals Most of the Mortgage PITI payments of our Mortgage Default counseling clients are still less than the monthly apartment rent in Central Florida. We are on the front lines and see the NEEDS! 6
FACT SHEET 2012 Florida is still ranked # 1 as the State with the highest % of homes in foreclosure HANDS’ Housing Counseling Trends for past 5 years
So what is working? Some lenders are really trying: Home preservation offices Hope Loan Portal – 13 Lenders participating (some 60 day determinations) Hope LoanPort ® is a neutral, national, non-profit, e-commerce platform bringing efficiency, consistency, & transparency to the processing of all types of foreclosure alternatives (Loan Modifications, Short Sales, etc.). Hope LoanPort ® provides a safe harbor for homeowners struggling with their mortgage, and use of the Portal is free for borrowers and their HUD-approved nonprofit housing counselors. housing counselors 8
Ok – Show me what works! Wells Fargo – Early Resolution Counseling Portal ( if eligible - immediate options) The ERCP will collect, maintain and report to the counselor and homeowner an initial decision on qualification or denial of a loan modification. This will aid the counselor in a more real time determination of resolution for Wells Fargo, Wachovia or ASC customers and keep the counselor informed on the progress of their client. Escalation #’s for Counselors. 9
How to find a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling agency: under I want to: (left margin) click on “talk to a Housing Counselor” Map of US – choose state – list of agencies OR Call (800)
11 Jill Ann McReynolds – Executive Director Phone # (407) Fax # (407)