Peer Assessment Objective Key Words Conflict Anger Emotion Structure Techniques Turmoil Angst Literacy/Numeracy. Key words. Differentiation: Lesson pitched. Levelled outcomes. Key words. Outcomes To know: The criteria on the mark scheme. To understand: The difference between the different grades. To be able to: Assign a grade to a piece of work. Aim Higher What ‘Clever things’ can you say about the play? SMSC Where can we obtain support? A Create a paragraph describing the 4 areas of the mark scheme/PEEEL paragraph. B Create a paragraph explaining the different criteria on the mark scheme. C Assign a grade to a piece of work belonging to a member of the group. These are building block outcomes. No Homework
Peer Assessment The Big Picture: Students are beginning to work on their controlled assessments and they are examining the mark scheme in order to fully understand how to achieve their target grades. Success Criteria: Levelled outcomes. I am engaging pupils by: SMSC question to begin the lesson. Pace to the lesson. SPOT. Group roles. Images at the start of the lesson to encourage discussion. Card activity. I am checking learning by: SPOT. Regular feedback. Assessment Coordinators. Card activity. Section 1 Students answer the SMSC question from the board using the Feedback Coordinator. Section 2 Students examine work from the others in the group and assign grades. Section 3 Students select the task appropriate to their level. Section 4 Feedback and peer assessment. Numeracy and Literacy Key words and literary devices. Differentiation Levelled outcomes.
_juliet/full.html Act IV Scene iii
PEER Assessment P-Purpose-why are you doing the marking? E-Expectations-provide ideas about what they could do next. E-Examples-provide examples to aid learning/understanding and progress. R-Relevant-has to be useful.
PIN marking P-Positives-what has your partner done well? I-Improvements-what can they do better next time? N-Next Steps-a question or task to consolidate learning and aid progress.
Literary Devices Imagery-when the writer uses description to put an image in the minds of the reader. Metaphor-describe something as being something else-she is a timid mouse, she is a fierce tiger. Simile-describe something as being like something else. Repetition-a word or phrase is repeated for emphasis. Emotive language-language that provokes emotion. Assonance-resemblance of sound between syllables of nearby words, arising particularly from the rhyming of two or more stressed vowels, but not consonants (e.g. sonnet, porridge ), but also from the use of identical consonants with different vowels (e.g. killed, cold, culled ). Couplet-a pair of rhyming lines. Elision: The omission of one or more letters or syllables from a word. This is usually marked by an apostrophe
Assessment Criteria 14.PDF
Act IV Scene iii Enter JULIET and Nurse JULIET Ay, those attires are best: but, gentle nurse, I pray thee, leave me to my self to-night, For I have need of many orisons To move the heavens to smile upon my state, Which, well thou know'st, is cross, and full of sin. Enter LADY CAPULET LADY CAPULET What, are you busy, ho? need you my help? JULIET No, madam; we have cull'd such necessaries As are behoveful for our state to-morrow: So please you, let me now be left alone, And let the nurse this night sit up with you; For, I am sure, you have your hands full all, In this so sudden business. LADY CAPULET Good night: Get thee to bed, and rest; for thou hast need. Exeunt LADY CAPULET and Nurse JULIET Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins, That almost freezes up the heat of life: I'll call them back again to comfort me: Nurse! What should she do here? My dismal scene I needs must act alone. Come, vial. What if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I be married then to-morrow morning? No, no: this shall forbid it: lie thou there. Laying down her dagger
Act IV Scene iii What if it be a poison, which the friar Subtly hath minister'd to have me dead, Lest in this marriage he should be dishonour'd, Because he married me before to Romeo? I fear it is: and yet, methinks, it should not, For he hath still been tried a holy man. How if, when I am laid into the tomb, I wake before the time that Romeo Come to redeem me? there's a fearful point! Shall I not, then, be stifled in the vault, To whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in, And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes? Or, if I live, is it not very like, The horrible conceit of death and night, Together with the terror of the place,-- As in a vault, an ancient receptacle, Where, for these many hundred years, the bones Of all my buried ancestors are packed: Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth, Lies festering in his shroud; where, as they say, At some hours in the night spirits resort;-- Alack, alack, is it not like that I, So early waking, what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth, That living mortals, hearing them, run mad:-- O, if I wake, shall I not be distraught, Environed with all these hideous fears? And madly play with my forefather's joints? And pluck the mangled Tybalt from his shroud? And, in this rage, with some great kinsman's bone, As with a club, dash out my desperate brains? O, look! methinks I see my cousin's ghost Seeking out Romeo, that did spit his body Upon a rapier's point: stay, Tybalt, stay! Romeo, I come! this do I drink to thee. She falls upon her bed, within the curtains
P.E.E.E.L P-Point-Explain what is happening at that point in the play, what are the characters doing, what events are taking place (imagine that the person reading it hasn’t read the play). Explain how this event shows conflict. E-Evidence-This is the quotation that you ‘borrow’ from the play to illustrate your point, it shows an example of conflict. E-Explain-What does the quotation show us? What is Shakespeare saying? Which devices has he used to illustrate his ideas about conflict? E-Expand-How do these ideas link to the contextual information? What other information can you provide for the person reading your essay (clever stuff?) L-Link-How does this example of conflict link an alternative interpretation?
Progress check What have I learned today? What can I do now that I couldn’t at the start of the lesson? How will I use the new information in my next lessons?