Pastor Tony RakerPart 2 of 4. Hebrews 1:3: “Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the.


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Presentation transcript:

Pastor Tony RakerPart 2 of 4

Hebrews 1:3: “Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high”

Historical Context: Written around A.D. 65, we are not sure who was the human writer of Hebrews but the Holy Spirit of God is the divine author of all Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16); therefore, Hebrews speaks with the same canonical authority as the other sixty-five books of the Bible. This letter, then, is an exhortation for those persecuted believers to continue in the grace of Jesus Christ – specifically dealing with the miracle of the message.

Grammatical Usage: “Fullness” in the Greek is “Pleroma” meaning “complete; realized.” Literal Application: But when the exact time was realized, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law

Contextual Interpretation: The miracle of the message is directly tied to the messenger. Here in vv. 2-3 of Hebrews 1, the King’s seven-fold credentials are enumerated. 1.V. 2: "Whom he appointed heir of all things..." 2.V. 2: "Through whom also he made the worlds..."

"For in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible, and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him and unto him" (Colossians 1:16). "All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made“ (John 1:3) Contextual Interpretation: credentials continued... "Father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was" (John 17:5).

3."The brightness of his glory" John said in his Gospel (John 1:14), "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.”

4."And the express image of His person" Psalm 36:7 is one of many verses underscoring God and His love: “How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”

5."Upholding all things by the word of his power" Col. 1:16,17, "He is before all things, and in him all things consist."

6."When He had by Himself purged our sins " "You were bought with a price"! (1 Corinthians 6:20). "Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of God which he purchased with his own blood" (Acts 20:28). And what was it?

7."And hath sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." (1 Corinthians 15:25). Hebrews 2:14: Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil

7."And hath sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." (1 Corinthians 15:25). Hebrews 2:14: Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil

Scriptural comparison 1.God had been speaking through history. 2.God speaks through Christ. "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact expression of His nature, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high." "Have I been among you all this time without your knowing Me, Philip? The one who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). "I and the Father are one.“ (John 10:30)

Scriptural comparison 3.God speaks to transform. Jesus came so that God could reveal Himself and His plan to us in a way that we could understand – no more prophets, no more signs, no more wonders but frank, open and unambiguous 1:1 conversation. First Timothy 2:6 says Jesus gave His life as a ransom for all.

"Nothing whatsoever can ever separate you from my love.“ "Trust in Me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge me, and I will direct your paths.“ "Forgive those who mistreat you." "Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad!"

Have a Blessed Week! Grace Evangelical Free Church Pastor Tony Raker