ETERNIT Y Time is merely the marking off of eternity, to help finite beings until they reach the glory of eternity. --G. Campbell Morgan
John is our designated person to give believers a preview of their future home (Rev 21.1, 2, 22). John is our designated person to give believers a preview of their future home (Rev 21.1, 2, 22). “I saw…”
Not merely renovated but re-created (cf 2Pet ), v. 1 Not merely renovated but re-created (cf 2Pet ), v. 1 Plenty of fresh water but no sea, v 1b. Plenty of fresh water but no sea, v 1b. The sea is repeatedly mentioned in the Kingdom age (Millennial reign of Christ) (Ps 72.8; Isa 11.9; 60.5; Ezk ). The sea is repeatedly mentioned in the Kingdom age (Millennial reign of Christ) (Ps 72.8; Isa 11.9; 60.5; Ezk ). New HEAVEN & EARTH, Rev 21
Truly a holy city, v. 2 Truly a holy city, v. 2 It descends (v. 2); does it ever land? It descends (v. 2); does it ever land? Prepared by Christ (cf John 14.3) Prepared by Christ (cf John 14.3) A dwelling place for saints: A dwelling place for saints: “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” - Hebrews “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” - Hebrews “But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” -Hebrews “But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” -Hebrews New JERUSALEM descends, v 2
They are blessed, v. 3 They are blessed, v. 3 They are tearless, v. 4 “all tears” (singular) They are tearless, v. 4 “all tears” (singular) They are secure, v. 5 They are secure, v. 5 They are satisfied, v. 6 They are satisfied, v. 6 They are privileged, v. 7 They are privileged, v. 7 They have received great mercy, v. 8 They have received great mercy, v. 8 New JERUSALEM’s occupants, vv 3-8
The Source of Her Glory, 9-11 The Source of Her Glory, 9-11 o As the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife, 9-10 She is now spotless and pure (Eph ) She is now spotless and pure (Eph ) There is a preview now in a believer’s life (Phil ) There is a preview now in a believer’s life (Phil ) The Glorious Dimensions, The Glorious Dimensions, o Foundation, vv 14, 19, 20 o Size, v. 16 (largest city ever built!) o Wall, vv o Gates, v. 21 Heaven’s Glory described, vv 9-21
The World’s Biggest City 1,500 miles
The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple, v. 22. The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple, v. 22. Presently believers are the sanctuary of God (2Cor 6.16), but there we will reside and worship in Him with no physical building necessary. Presently believers are the sanctuary of God (2Cor 6.16), but there we will reside and worship in Him with no physical building necessary. Heaven’s Worship Center, vv 22
No sun or moon then, v. 23 No sun or moon then, v. 23 God’s glory and the Lamb’s lamp are its light source, v. 23. God’s glory and the Lamb’s lamp are its light source, v. 23. Brilliant light will extend to all nations, v. 24 Brilliant light will extend to all nations, v. 24 It will be God’s eternal day, v. 25 It will be God’s eternal day, v. 25 God will be the focal point of worship and gifts, v. 26 God will be the focal point of worship and gifts, v. 26 Occupied only by the Redeemed, v. 27. Occupied only by the Redeemed, v. 27. Heaven’s Light, vv 23-27
Water of life, 22.1 Water of life, 22.1 Tree of life, 22.2 Tree of life, 22.2 God and His servants, God and His servants, Everlasting life, 22.5 Everlasting life, 22.5 Paradise regained, Rev
For though that seat of earthly bliss be fail'd, A fairer Paradise is founded now For Adam and his chosen Sons, whom thou A Saviour art come down to re-install. Where they shall dwell secure, when time shall be Of Tempter and Temptation without fear. from John Milton’s Paradise Regained (1670) from John Milton’s Paradise Regained (1670)